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The Good Scents Company Information Listings

To Odor Index or To Flavor Descriptor
Odor Descriptors for vegetable
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - vegetable
FL(E)-aconitic acid
 odor: vegetable musty nut dry toasted
 flavor: nut vegetable caramel
 odor: vegetable minestrone pepper onion celery green bell pepper
 flavor: green vegetable pea parsley
FL dihydroxyacetophenone (mixed isomers)
 odor: Vegetative, green, fatty and nutty with earthy, powdery nuances
 flavor: Green, vegetative, fatty and nutty with mushroom and peanut nuances
 odor: Musty, vegetative, green, phenolic, nutty, coffee and brothy
 flavor: Musty, vegetative, brothy, nutty and coffee with a slight rubbery nuance
FL3-(2-furoyl thio)-2,5-dimethyl furan
 odor: vegetable
 odor: cooked vegetable metallic
FL/FR mesityl oxide
 odor: musty, mildew, earthy, chemical, card board like with nutty, chocolate and woody nuances
 flavor: potato bin, raw and baked potato, jimica with raw vegetative, nutty and dirt like nuances
FLisomesityl oxide
 odor: pungent vegetable acrylic
FL/FR tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol
 odor: vegetable cauliflower faint warm oily caramel
 flavor: coffee nut at .03-1 ppm
FRendo-1,2,3,3-tetramethyl bicyclo(2.2.1)heptan-2-ol
 odor: vegetable green mossy
Secondary (Second) - vegetable
FL aconitic acid
 odor: Vegetative, musty and nutty with a dry, toasted nuance
 flavor: Nutty, vegetative, musty and slightly caramellic
FR artichoke absolute
 odor: green artichoke
FR artichoke concrete
 odor: green artichoke
 odor: Musty, green, vegetative, nutty, peppery and potato-like
 flavor: Musty, vegetative, potato, galbanum, fishy and earthy
FL/FR2-isobutyl pyrazine
 odor: green vegetable fruity
FL/FR cucumber essence
 odor: green vegetable cucumber melon fresh juicy
 flavor: green cucumber melon rind vegetable sweet
FL diisopropyl sulfide
 odor: sulfury vegetable garlic
FL/FR dimethyl disulfide
 odor: sulfurous vegetable cabbage onion
 flavor: sulfurous cabbage, malt, cream
 odor: nutty vegetable
FL3-ethyl thiopropanol
 odor: sulfurous vegetable potato
FL/FR gentian absolute
 odor: bitter vegetable herbal dry woody
 odor: green vegetable
 odor: pungent green vegetable oily
 flavor: metallic earthy potato cooked pineapple
 odor: green cooked vegetable tomato cooked turnup brothy gassy
 flavor: Green, tomato, fresh with herbal vegetable nuances
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl tiglate
 odor: green vegetable green banana earthy cortex herbal
 flavor: Green vegetative mushroom with herbaceous and fatty nuances
FL horseradish oil
 odor: pungent, sulfureous, biting hot, vegetative, with a sharp fresh green earthy nuance
 flavor: Hot with a green vegetative rooty metallic throat tingle
FL jalapeno oleoresin
 odor: jalapeno chilis vegetable hay pungent
 flavor: jalapeno
FL3-(5-methyl-2-furyl) butanal
 odor: Green, vegetable, fruity with fatty nuances
 flavor: Green,fruity with fatty nuances
FL3-methyl mercaptopropyl amine
 odor: sulfurous vegetable ripe cheesy
FL/FR methyl 3-(methyl thio) propionate
 odor: Sulfureous, vegetative, pungent, rooty, tomato, horseradish, onion and garlic
 flavor: alliaceous fruity garlic green mango papaya pineapple horseradish
 odor: green vegetable
FL2-methyl thiazole
 odor: green vegetable
FL2-methyl thioacetaldehyde
 odor: Sulfureous, vegatative, onion, garlic, mustard and nutty with a potato nuance
 flavor: Alliaceous and vegetative with a good mouthfeel and onion and garlic-like with a potato and bready nuance
 odor: green vegetable
 flavor: fatty oily sweet fruity
FL potato butanone
 odor: Sulfureous, vegetative, potato, earthy, tomato, metallic and fatty
 flavor: Sulfureous, potato, earthy, vegetative, fatty, fishy, metallic and mushroom
FL/FRisopropyl decanoate
 odor: green vegetable woody oily fruity
FL2-isopropyl-3-(methyl thio) pyrazine
 odor: powerful green vegetable roasted meat
FL2-propyl pyrazine
 odor: green vegetable nutty
 flavor: green burnt
FL2-isopropyl pyridine
 odor: green vegetable cortex
FL radish isothiocyanate
 odor: Rooty, pungent, vegetative, sulfureous and horseradish-like
 flavor: Vegetative, radish-Iike with sulfureous, earthy and metallic nuances
FL/FR2,4,5-trimethyl thiazole
 odor: musty nutty vegetable cocoa hazelnut chocolate coffee
 flavor: Nutty, cocoa and green vegetative-like with roasted earthy nuances
Tertiary (Third) - vegetable
FL/FR acetaldehyde butyl phenethyl acetal
 odor: green leafy vegetable
 flavor: green pepper
FL/FR benzothiazole
 odor: Sulfureous, rubbery, vegetative, cooked, brown, nutty, coffee-like and meaty
 flavor: Meaty, vegetative, brown, cooked, beefy and coffee-like
 odor: meaty spicy vegetable
FLisobutyl mercaptan
 odor: cooked vegetable mustard
FL/FR3-butylidene phthalide
 odor: herbal lovage celery
 flavor: Celery, green, vegetable-like with a herbal nuance
FL3,5-diethyl-2-methyl pyrazine
 odor: nutty meaty vegetable
 flavor: green nutty
FL2-ethyl-2,5-dihydro-4-methyl thiazole
 odor: nutty roasted vegetable
 flavor: tropical fruit peach slightly catty and meaty
FL2-ethyl-4,5-dimethyl oxazole
 odor: green creamy vegetable earthy
FL/FR2-heptyl butyrate
 odor: fruity green vegetable cheesy walnut
FL/FR hexanal propylene glycol acetal
 odor: fresh green waxy vegetable skin licorice rue clean petroleum
 flavor: Fruity, sweet, green and waxy
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl butyrate
 odor: fresh green apple fruity wine metallic buttery
 flavor: Fresh, green, oily, waxy, apple and pear flesh with a vegetative nuance
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl (E)-crotonate
 odor: green vegetable
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl formate
 odor: fresh green waxy sweet vegetable grassy sharp
 flavor: Green, waxy, fresh vegetable, fruity, apple, guava, green banana
FL/FR(Z)-leaf acetal
 odor: green violet natural green leaf mushroom earthy
 flavor: Green, vegetative, grassy, musty and radish-like with a fruity nuance
FL methyl benzyl disulfide
 odor: Sulfureous cabbage-like, vegetative with a green metallic nuance
 flavor: Sulfureous, vegetative, metallic, green, with an onion nuance
FL methyl 2-methyl-3-furyl disulfide
 odor: Sulfureous, meaty, vegetative and chemical-like with onion and roasted beef nuances
 flavor: SuIfureous, meaty, vegetative, brothy and savory with a metallic nuance
FL/FR2-methyl valeraldehyde
 odor: Etherial, green and vegetative with a fruity nuance
 flavor: Vegetative and green with a fruity, grape-like nuance
 odor: green cucumber vegetable
 flavor: powerful, green, apple, and melon. cucumber-peel in high dilution, fatty
 odor: green citrus vegetable fatty
 flavor: fatty oily sweet fruity
FL peanut oxazole
 odor: musty nutty vegetable cocoa nut skin bread crust phenolic woody
 flavor: musty nutty vegetable cocoa coffee bready nut skin beany
FL/FR strawberry furanone methyl ether
 odor: sweet moldy mushroom vegetable potato burnt sugar nut skin wasabi caramellic fruity brandy
 flavor: moldy earthy vegetable potato savory brown meaty
Quaternary (Fourth) - vegetable
FL amyl mercaptan
 odor: sulfurous fatty roasted meaty vegetable
FL/FR(E)-benzyl tiglate
 odor: balsamic earthy mushroom vegetable plastic cortex almond nutty
 flavor: balsamic earthy mushroom vegetable cortex plastic spicy wasabi nutty
FR birch leaf specialty
 odor: green herbal leafy vegetable
FL4-butyl thiazole
 odor: green herbal minty vegetable
FDred cinchona bark
 odor: brown maple woody botanical rooty
 flavor: bitter astringent maple brown tea woody
FL cucumber distillates
 odor: cucumber green melon vegetable
 flavor: cucumber green fatty melon floral citrus
FL/FR cuminaldehyde
 odor: spicy cumin green herbal
 flavor: Spicy, cumin, green, herbal and vegetable-like
FL/FR ethyl pyruvate
 odor: Etherial, fruity, sweet, with a sharp rum-like top note
 flavor: Sweet, rum-like with a fruity etherial nuance
FL furfuryl methyl sulfide
 odor: Onion garlic, sulfuraceous, with a pungent vegetable horseradish nuance
 flavor: Sulfuraceous, garlic, eggy with a horseradish mustard nuance
 odor: Intense green, fatty, oily, with fruity overtones
 flavor: Intense green, sweet, fresh fruity apple skin nuances
 odor: fresh oily fatty creamy vegetable dairy green grassy
 flavor: sweet green tomato leaf oily tuna creamy vegetable brothy fishy
FL/FR(Z)-3-hepten-1-yl acetate
 odor: green tropical banana vegetable fatty passion fruit
 flavor: green creamy banana peel nasturtium green bean vegetable grassy rooty
trans-hexanal propylene glycol acetal
 odor: waxy green fruity vegetable
 odor: fresh green cut grass foliage vegetable herbal oily
 flavor: Fresh, green, raw fruity with a pungent depth
FL/FR hexyl hexanoate
 odor: herbal fresh cut grass vegetable fruity
 flavor: Sweet, fruity and green with tropical notes
FL/FR hexyl nonanoate
 odor: brandy green vegetable fruity
FL2-hexyl pyridine
 odor: green fatty mutton
 flavor: green vegetable nutty
FL krameria triandra root oil CO2 extract
 odor: nutty orris leafy
FL/FR lychee mercaptan acetate
 odor: Sulfureous, green, spicy, pungent and vegetative with a tropical nuance
 flavor: Sulfureous, tropical, biting vegetative and fruity
FL3-mercapto-3-methyl butanol
 odor: roasted spicy sweet vegetable
 flavor: powerful meaty, beef juice and gravy notes. Presented in 10% dilution
FL/FR methional
 odor: Vegetable oil. Creamy tomato, potato skin and French fry, yeasty, bready, limburger cheese with a savory meaty brothy nuance
 flavor: Musty tomato, potato, vegetative, mold ripened cheeses, onion, beefy brothy and egg and seafood nuances
FL methyl butyl sulfide
 odor: sulfurous garlic onion vegetable
 odor: green weedy foliage vegetable
 flavor: ethereal fruity tropical green banana vegetable
 odor: green cabbage vegetable sulfurous
FL4-methyl thiazole
 odor: Alliaceous, ripe, nutty, vegetable, tomato with a green tropical nuance
 flavor: Green, vegetative, meaty, with an alliaceous nuance
 odor: green mint herbal vegetable basil
 odor: Fatty, green, waxy and vegetative with cucumber-melon, cereal notes and a chicken fat nuance
 flavor: Fatty, green, melon, waxy, vegetative, tomato and mushroom with chicken nuances
 odor: sweet fatty, melon cucumber vegetable
 flavor: fatty green cucumber melon vegetable
FL/FRisopropyl tiglate
 odor: Minty, cooling, green and vegetative with a spicy nuance
 flavor: Green, minty and vegetative
FL propylene glycol acetone ketal
 odor: earthy ethereal green vegetable asparagus raw potato tomato tomato leaf
 flavor: green earthy ethereal vegetable musty tomato raw potato
FR root fragrance
FR tomato specialty
 odor: tomato
FL/FR tropical thiazole
 odor: Musty alliaceous earthy sulfury slight fruity, coffee, meaty
 flavor: Alliaceous earthy sulfurous coffee with a tropical fruity nuance
FL/FR vinyl sulfurol
 odor: Diffusive, musty, nutty, root vegetable-like
 flavor: Nutty, musty, earthy, cocoa powder like
Quinary (Fifth) - vegetable
FL/FR benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal
 odor: green earthy rooty nutty vegetable spinach potato fungal almond winey
 flavor: green earthy rooty nutty potato fungal turnup radish
FLalpha-benzylidene methional
 odor: vegetative sauerkraut, kimchi, cabbage, soy beans, green onion nuances
 flavor: Vegetative sauerkraut, kimchi, cabbage, soy beans, green onion nuances
FR cocoa fragrance
FL/FR cumin seed absolute
 odor: green spicy cumin
 flavor: cumin
FL cyclopentyl mercaptan
 odor: Alliaceous, onion, garlic, horseradish, vegetable-celery, egg, sauteed meat
 flavor: Alliaceous, onion, garlic, horseradish, meat, egg, burned, vegetable, celery
FL ethyl 3-(furfuryl thio) propionate
 odor: Onion, garlic, sulfuraceous, coffee and vegetable notes
 flavor: Roasted, nutty, coffee, with graham cracker-like undernotes
FR geranium dihydropyran
 odor: floral green earthy spicy geranium vegetable
FL/FR geranium thiazole
 odor: geranium green red rose nutty vegetable nut skin earthy beany
 flavor: green vegetable nut flesh earthy nut skin licorice red rose fennel
FL/FR green note propionate
 odor: green fresh fruity apple pear vegetable melon banana peach
 flavor: green apple pear banana tropical fruity mango melon
 odor: Fatty, green, oily, aldehydic with a vegetative nuance
 flavor: Fatty green, with an oily, greasy undertone
FL2-heptane thiol
 odor: pungent sulfurous sweaty skunky onion vegetable
FL/FR hexyl (E)-tiglate
 odor: sweet caramel green walnut oily radish
 flavor: Green, sweet pear with vegetative nuances of radish, potato and mushroom
FR laminaria absolute
 odor: woody dry musty green vegetable
FLS-methyl benzothioate
 odor: sulfurous cabbage garlic potato vegetable
 odor: impacting, musty, alcoholic, fuesl like, with nuances of vegetables, cider, cocoa and cheese
 flavor: impacting, musty, alcoholic, fusel like, with nuances of vegetables, cider, cocoa and cheese
 odor: sulfurous alliaceous smoky savory vegetable
 flavor: cooked roasted onion
FL methyl ethyl disulfide
 odor: sulfurous truffle
 flavor: sulfurous onion
4-methyl-2-(1-methyl propyl)-1,3-oxathiane
 odor: citrus, pamplemousse, grapefruit, lime, zesty vegetable, green, sulfury
FL/FR2-methyl-3-(methyl thio) pyrazine
 odor: roasted meat nutty almond vegetable
FL methyl thioacetate
 odor: sulfurous eggy cheese dairy vegetable cabbage
 flavor: sulfurous overripe rotten roasted
FL/FR3-(methyl thio) hexanol
 odor: Sulfurous, metallic and pungent with a slight spicy, green leafy, wasabi-like and vegetative note with and earthy nuance
 flavor: Metallic, sulfureous, with a green vegetative and slight spicy nuance
FLS-methyl thiopropionate
 odor: alliaceous dairy sulfurous milky vegetable
FL/FR mushroom absolute
 odor: fungal earthy mossy rooty vegetable seaweed marine hay
 flavor: mushroom
 odor: Tropical, green, terpy and woody with vegetable nuances
 flavor: Green, tropical, woody with floral and vegateble nuances
FL/FR octanoic acid
 odor: fatty waxy rancid oily vegetable cheesy
 flavor: rancid soapy cheesy fatty brandy
FL4-penten-1-yl acetate
 odor: green plastic weedy acrylate vegetable metallic cooked meat sulfide
 flavor: sweet green vegetable weedy plastic grassy hay
FL/FR2-pentyl acetate
 odor: herbal weedy musty green vegetable nut skin beany ketonic animal
 flavor: dairy nut skin beany vegetable green musty nutty oily
FL/FR2-pentyl furan
 odor: Fruity, green, earthy beany with vegetable like nuances
 flavor: Green, waxy, with musty, cooked caramellic nuances
FL2-pentyl pyridine
 odor: fatty tallow green pepper mushroom herbal
FL/FR propyl 2,4-decadienoate
 odor: Fatty, melon, green, pear with fresh vegetable nuances
 flavor: Melon, green, pear, with waxy tropical nuances
FL/FR propyl decanoate
 odor: waxy fruity fatty green vegetable woody oily fruity
FL/FRalpha-terpinyl methyl ether
 odor: citrus grapefruit bergamot orangeflower vegetable celery spicy earthy
 flavor: woody celery earthy sweet spicy
 odor: Alliaceous, cooked meaty with green vegetable nuances
 flavor: alliaceous onion garlic coffee chive
FR tomato leaf fragrance
Senary (Sixth) - vegetable
FL/FR2-acetyl-3-methyl pyrazine
 odor: nutty nut flesh roasted hazelnut toasted grain corn chip vegetable nut skin caramellic
 flavor: nutty nut flesh roasted hazelnut toasted grain potato chip baked potato nut skin vegetable
FL/FR2-isobutyl thiazole
 odor: green wasabi privet tomato leaf earthy vegetable metallic
 flavor: Green, vegetable, tomato-like with raw musty nuances
FR cumin oil replacer
 odor: spicy cumin
FL/FR cumin seed oil
 odor: cumin fatty sweaty pepper green vegetable
 flavor: cumin spicy sweaty aldehydic green fatty beany herbal metallic
 odor: Intense waxy fungal mushroom with ketonic cheesy and vegetative nuances
 flavor: Intense earthy, fungal, mushroom-like with waxy dairy and cheese nuances, with a slight green vegetative and tropical aftertaste
FL dipropyl trisulfide
 odor: Sulfureous, alliaceous, pungent, green and onion-like with slight tropical and vegetative nuances
 flavor: Alliaceous, sulfureous, green and garlic-like with a tin-like metallic undernote and with minty and tropical nuances
 odor: grapefruit orange fatty citrus
 flavor: fatty waxy citrus peel chicken skin
 odor: powerful floral, fruity, apricot, dried papaya, tropical, vegetable, green, waxy
FL/FR ferula assa-foetida gum oil
 odor: Sulfureous, alliaceous, savory, green onion and resinous with a vegetative note
 flavor: Alliaceous, sulfureous, savory, metallic, woody, green and pungent
FL/FR1-furfuryl pyrrole
 odor: plastic green waxy fruity coffee vegetable
 flavor: Vegetative, onion, sharp and metallic
 odor: Slight musty and green with a sweet marzipan, raw almond nutty note with a vegetative and a slight whiskey nuance
 flavor: Fruity and tropical with a slight green and vegetative nuance
FL(E)-3-hexenoic acid
 odor: Cheesy, green, dairy-like with a waxy fruity nuance
 flavor: Green, dairy-like with a vegetable and melon nuance
FL/FR ilex paraguariensis leaf solid extract
 odor: tea brown sweet leafy hay earthy vegetable
 flavor: herbal tea brown astringent leafy hay spice
FLS-methyl 4-methyl pentane thioate
 odor: fermented tropical dairy creamy cheesy vegetable
 flavor: tropical
FL/FR methyl octanoate
 odor: Waxy, green, sweet, orange and aldehydic with vegetative and herbal nuances
 flavor: Green, fruity, waxy, citrus, aldehydic and fatty
 odor: sulfurous musty meaty nutty
FL4-(methyl thio) butanol
 odor: cabbage garlic sulfury potato green vegetable
 odor: Waxy, fatty, green melon and cucumber vegetative, with chicken fat aldehydic nuance
 flavor: Strong fatty, oily, green melon and cucumber like with chicken and mutton nuances and a fatty mouth feel
 odor: Pleasant, sweet green, vegetative cucumber, melon and honeydew with waxy and oily nuance
 flavor: Heavy, waxy, fresh vegetative green cucumber and melon, with a fatty mouth feel
 odor: ethereal horseradish green radish chrysanthemum vegetable tropical fruity
 flavor: green radish vegetable rummy truffle oily resinous
FR pinus halepensis branch/leaf oil
 odor: citrus lemon bergamot lime zesty vegetable
FL propyl thioacetate
 odor: Sulfureous green onion, garlic, scallion, green fresh, vegetative
 flavor: Onion, garlic sulfureous, alliaceous with a fresh green nuance
FR psiadia altissima leaf oil
 odor: herbal pine eucalyptus green terpenic vegetable
FL/FR rosmarinus officinalis extract
 odor: Green, herbal, leafy, spicy and camphoreous with a vegetative nuance
 flavor: Herbal, green, fresh, floral and fatty with mate-like nuances
Septenary (Seventh) - vegetable
FL/FR acetal
 odor: ether green nut earthy sweet vegetable
 flavor: nutty earthy vegetable
FL/FR acetyl nonyryl
 odor: waxy aldehydic creamy fatty dairy
 flavor: creamy coconut milky
FL/FR anethum graveolens herb oil
 odor: herbal green spicy caraway
 flavor: Dill, minty, woody, vegetative, camphoreous, herbal
 odor: meat nut musty sulfury coffee chocolate raw vegetable
 flavor: nut skin raw vegetable nutty cocoa earthy musty
FL/FR3,7-dimethyl-6-octenoic acid
 odor: Fatty, waxy, heavy, floral with a slight citronella nuance. It also has vegetative and tobacco nuances
 flavor: Mild, floral, rosy, fruity melon with slight hints of citronella and citrus
FL/FR dimethyl trisulfide
 odor: Sulfureous, alliaceous, cooked, savory, meaty, eggy and vegetative with a fresh, green, onion topnote
 flavor: Sulfureous, alliaceous, gassy, savory and meaty with a fresh, vegetative nuance
FL/FR furfuryl thioacetate
 odor: SuIfureous, roasted, savory, alliaceous, vegetative and coffee-like
 flavor: Roasted, alliaceous, garlic, coffee, meaty, savory and sulfureous
FR green specialty
 odor: green
FL/FR(E)-2-hexen-1-yl isovalerate
 odor: Green, fresh waxy apple, pear and banana-like with nuances of viney fusel grape and vegetables
 flavor: Green apple, fruity with an oily waxy nuance and a lingering fruity aftertaste
FL/FR hexyl butyrate
 odor: green sweet fruity apple waxy soapy
 flavor: Green, waxy, soapy and fruity
 odor: Nutty, amine, woody, bready and vegetable-like
 flavor: Nutty, coffee, cocoa, musty, bready and meaty
FL/FR melon nonenoate
 odor: sweet green waxy violet pear fruity melon vegetable
 flavor: green waxy oily fruity watermelon rind pear tropical fruit apple skin creamy banana peel
FL methionol
 odor: SuIfureous and onion-like with a sweet, savory, soupy-cooked vegetable nuance
 flavor: Onion- and garlic-like, with a savory bouillion-like note
FL/FR2-methoxy-3-methyl pyrazine
 odor: roasted almond hazelnut peanut
 flavor: nutty green
FL1-(methyl thio)-2-butanone
 odor: fresh radish, mustard, horseradish and wasabi like with alliaceous onion and savory metallic and vegetative nuances.
 flavor: sulfurous, cabbage and radish, horseradish, toasted onion and dairy like nuances
FL methyl thiomethyl butyrate
 odor: Sulfureous, musty, onion, savory, fruity and tropical with vegetative nuances
 flavor: Sulfureous, savory, eggy, vegetative and onion with fruity, tropical nuances
 odor: fresh citrus green cucumber melon
 flavor: Fresh green cucumber skin and watermelon with a fatty nuance
 odor: green fatty dry cucumber violet leaf
 flavor: Green, cucumber, melon, fatty and rindy with a hint of meat fat
 odor: Green, cucumber, aldehydic, fatty with a citrus nuance
 flavor: Green, soapy, cucumber / melon-like with an aldehydic / fatty nuance
 odor: green cucumber melon cantaloupe honeydew waxy vegetable orris violet leaf
 flavor: green cucumber melon waxy oily watermelon vegetable violet leaf
FL(E)-2-octenoic acid
 odor: musty sour fatty waxy dirty aldehydic vegetable cheese
 flavor: fatty terpy waxy green weedy wet hay
FL/FR2,4,5-trimethyl oxazole
 odor: nutty nut skin roasted wasabi shellfish mustard vegetable
 flavor: burnt nutty hazelnut oily nut skin potato earthy mushroom
Octonary (Eighth) - vegetable
FL/FRisobutyl methyl ketone
 odor: Sharp solvent-like with green, herbal, fruity and dairy nuances
 flavor: Green, vegetative, herbal, fruity and dairy nuances
FL/FR cortex pyridine
 odor: fresh green weedy cortex nasturtium metallic
 flavor: Green, vegetative, green and jalapeno pepper-like with some savory metallic nuances
FL/FR dimethyl sulfide
 odor: sulfury onion sweet corn vegetable cabbage tomato green radish
 flavor: Sulfurous, vegetative tomato, corn and asparagus with a dairy creaminess and a slight minty afternote
FL/FR galbanum decatriene
 odor: fresh green greasy resin galbanum green pepper
 flavor: Green, vegetative, waxy, cucumber, chicken, fatty and fried notes
FL/FR heptyl formate
 odor: green waxy floral herbal plum apple cucumber
 flavor: Fatty, waxy, oily, slight floral with a vegetative nuance. It has a slight oenanthate under note
 odor: sweet almond fruity green leafy apple plum vegetable
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl butyrate
 odor: fresh green apple fruity wine metallic buttery
 flavor: Fresh, green, oily, waxy, apple and pear flesh with a vegetative nuance
FL/FR3-hexenyl 2-methyl butyrate
 odor: Green, fruity, sweet, juicy and pear-like, with vegetative nuances
 flavor: Green fruity, pineapple, pear and apple-like with melon nuances
4-methyl-2-[2-(methyl thio)ethyl]-1,3-oxathiane
 odor: powerful garlic, animalic, onion, green, herbaceous potato, raw, vegetable
 odor: Green, fatty, oily, citrus and melon-like
 flavor: Green, fruity, melon, citrus, fatty and tallow nuances
FR picea mariana leaf oil
 odor: green leafy geranium pine resinous fruity jammy vegetable
FR pistachio fragrance
FL/FR violet leaf absolute
 odor: green oily earthy leafy floral
 flavor: Green, melon, floral, fresh, waxy, grassy and leafy
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