Primary (First) - burnt |
FL | | acetaldehyde diethyl mercaptal |
| odor: burnt rubbery alliaceous |
FL | 3- | acetyl-2,5-dimethyl thiophene |
| odor: burnt roasted meaty |
| flavor: sweet dried hazelnut almond marzipan |
FL | 4- | acetyl-2-methyl pyrimidine |
| odor: burnt meaty roasted |
FR | | amber oil |
| odor: burnt leather smoky tar like amber |
FL | 2-iso | butyl-4,5-dimethyl oxazole |
| odor: burnt roasted |
FR | | cocoa fragrance |
FL | | dimethyl dihydrocyclopentapyrazine |
| odor: burnt earthy nutty roasted coffee |
FL | 6,7- | dimethyl dihydrocyclopentapyrazine |
| odor: burnt earthy nutty roasted |
FL | 2,5- | dimethyl-4-ethyl oxazole |
| odor: burnt roasted |
| flavor: green ethereal hazelnut |
FL | 4,5- | dimethyl-2-ethyl thiazole |
| odor: burnt hazelnut cocoa |
FL | 4,5- | dimethyl-2-propyl oxazole |
| odor: roasted burnt |
| flavor: fatty metallic |
FL | | ethyl dimethyl pyrazine |
| odor: burnt popcorn roasted cocoa |
FL/FR | 2- | ethyl-3,5(or 6)-dimethyl pyrazine |
| odor: burnt coffee nutty roasted woody |
FL | | hexyl mercaptan |
| odor: Intense roasted meaty, sulfurous and slightly alliaceous with roasted meaty and nutty nuance |
| flavor: Roasted burnt meat with a fatty, rubbery and sulfurous vegetative nuance |
FL/FR | 2- | hydroxy-3,4,5-trimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one |
| odor: sweet burnt powerful spicy corylone-like caramel maple coffee bread licorice |
FL/FR | | lepidine |
| odor: burnt oily herbal floral sweet |
| flavor: sweet floral oily slightly burnt |
| iso | maltol |
| odor: burnt caramellic fruity |
FL | 2- | methyl benzofuran |
| odor: burnt phenolic |
| flavor: phenolic burnt |
| (R)-2- | methyl butyraldehyde |
| odor: burnt cocoa coffee |
| 6-iso | propyl-1,3,3-trimethyl-2,9-dioxa-bicyclo[3.3.1] nonan-4-ol |
| odor: burnt, animal |
FL | | tea pyrrole |
| odor: burnt roasted smoky |
| flavor: burnt |
FL | gamma- | thiobutyrolactone |
| odor: burnt garlic |
| flavor: burnt chemical |
FL | 2- | thiophene thiol |
| odor: burnt caramel roasted coffee |
| flavor: coffee |
Secondary (Second) - burnt |
FL/FR | | beech wood creosote |
| odor: smoky |
| flavor: smoky burnt |
FL | | benzyl disulfide |
| odor: smoky burnt earthy green caramel |
FL | | benzyl methyl sulfide |
| odor: roasted burnt beef pork lamb chicken |
FL/FR | | birch tar oil |
| odor: smoky burnt wood leathery phenolic |
FL | 2- | butenoic acid |
| odor: roasted burnt |
FL/FR | 5-sec- | butyl-2,3-dimethyl pyrazine |
| odor: marine burnt roasted |
FR | | cade oil |
| odor: smoky birch tar burnt grilled leather resinous |
FR | | cade oil replacer |
| odor: smoky birch tar burnt grilled leather resinous |
FR | | cedarwood oil china |
| odor: woody burnt musty cedar |
FR | | chocolate fragrance |
FL/FR | roasted arabica | coffee bean oil CO2 extract |
| odor: coffee burnt beany |
| flavor: roasted espresso coffee burnt |
FL | 2- | ethyl-5-methyl furan |
| odor: fresh gassy burnt |
FL/FR | | ethyl vanillate |
| odor: phenolic burnt guaiacol smoky powdery metallic |
| flavor: sweet creamy phenolic spicy guaiacol burnt wood powdery vanilla |
| 4- | methoxy-alpha-toluene thiol |
| odor: sulfurous slightly burnt floral balsamic anise seed |
FL/FR | | methyl benzoxole |
| odor: tobacco burnt phenolic meaty powdery capers |
| flavor: nutty hazelnut tobacco burnt meaty brothy roasted phenolic |
FL | 2- | propyl-3,5-dimethyl pyrazine |
| odor: hazelnut burnt |
FD | | propyl paraben |
| odor: sweet smoky burnt woody hawthorn |
| (R)- | strawberry furanone methyl ether |
| odor: burnt, intensive caramel |
FL/FR | | tropical trithiane |
| odor: Sulfurous, burnt meaty, green, fruity, blackcurrant, black berry, cooling, catty and tropical with a grapefruit nuance |
| flavor: Fruity, sulfureous, tangy berry, with cooling catty minty blackcurrant and tropical nuances |
Tertiary (Third) - burnt |
FL | | acer spicatum bark extract |
| odor: sweet tobacco maple burnt |
| flavor: brown roasted maple woody bitter caramellic fruity herbal |
FL | 4- | allyl-2,6-dimethoxyphenol |
| odor: smoky, meaty, phenolic, sweet, ham and woody |
| flavor: Meaty, phenolic, smoky and bacony, with creamy vanilla nuances |
FL/FR | | cyclotene |
| odor: sweet caramel maple sugar coffee woody |
| flavor: Sweet, maple, bready, caramellic with nutty nuances |
FR | 1,4-bis-(1,2- | dimethyl propyl)-6,8-dioxabicyclo(3.2.1)octane |
| odor: Dirty, chemical, and burnt |
FL | | diphenyl disulfide |
| odor: sulfurous earthy burnt |
| flavor: sulfurous earthy |
FL/FR | | furfuryl mercaptan |
| odor: Roasted coffee, sulfurous, with a burnt match note. It is savory meaty with chicken and fried onion nuances. |
| flavor: Sulfurous roasted coffee, burnt match-like, rubbery, and slightly nutty with eggy and savory meaty nuances. |
FL/FR | | furfuryl thioacetate |
| odor: SuIfureous, roasted, savory, alliaceous, vegetative and coffee-like |
| flavor: Roasted, alliaceous, garlic, coffee, meaty, savory and sulfureous |
FL | 1,6- | hexane dithiol |
| odor: burnt fatty meaty fungal sulfurous |
| flavor: burnt fatty meaty |
FL | | molasses blackstrap |
| odor: brown molasses burnt sulfury sweet bready coffee maple |
| flavor: sweet molasses brown sulfury bready malty |
FL | | roasted butanol |
| odor: Roasted, meaty and sulfureous with a fatty, brothy nuance |
| flavor: Sulfureous, roasted and meaty with a burnt, savory note |
FL/FR | | rum ether |
| odor: Empyromatic, acidic, woody, burnt, with meaty and whiskey notes |
| flavor: Burnt, smoky, woody, caramellic with rum and brandy notes |
FL/FR | | thymyl methyl ether |
| odor: woody smoky burnt |
| flavor: musty green earthy coffee beany |
Quaternary (Fourth) - burnt |
FL | | coffee distillates |
| flavor: coffee |
FL | 2- | ethoxythiazole |
| odor: Musty, vegetative, green, phenolic, nutty, coffee and brothy |
| flavor: Musty, vegetative, brothy, nutty and coffee with a slight rubbery nuance |
FL/FR | | furfural |
| odor: sweet woody almond fragrant baked bread |
| flavor: Brown, sweet, woody, bready, nutty, caramellic with a burnt astringent nuance |
FL/FR | 5- | methyl-3-heptanone |
| odor: herbal sweet oily |
| flavor: fruity citrus |
FL/FR | | methyl nonane dione |
| odor: fruity straw caramel burnt |
FR | | smoke fragrance |
FL | | thioacetic acid |
| odor: cooked roasted meaty burnt |
Quinary (Fifth) - burnt |
FL | 1- | ethyl-2-acetyl pyrrole |
| odor: nutty roasted |
| flavor: pungent dusty, somewhat nutty |
FL | 2- | ethyl-5-methyl thiophene |
| odor: sulfurous ethereal solvent fruity burnt |
| flavor: green oily leafy geranium phenolic |
FL/FR | | maltol |
| odor: sweet caramel cotton candy jam fruity baked bread |
| flavor: Sweet, cotton candy, caramellic, with jammy fruity and berry notes |
FL | 3- | methyl-2-butane thiol |
| odor: sulfurous, savory burnt rubber, roasted chicken and pork meaty with nuances of roasted coffee, cultured cheeses and roasted cashew nuts. |
| flavor: sulfurous, savory fried meaty, fried fatty with coffee and cooked onion nuances with a slight tongue bite |
FL | S-(2- | methyl-3-furyl) ethane thioate |
| odor: roasted meat sulfurous eggy burnt cooked fried |
| flavor: meaty beefy chicken bacon |
FL | | pyrazinyl ethane thiol |
| odor: Sulfureous, meaty, savory, roasted and burnt with beef and chicken notes |
| flavor: Meaty, sulfureous, pot roast and savory with nuances suitable for chicken and pork |
FL/FR | | shoyu furanone |
| odor: Sweet, caramellic, bready, maple, brown sugar with burnt undernotes |
| flavor: Burnt, caramellic, sweet, fruity |
Senary (Sixth) - burnt |
FL/FR | | castoreum absolute |
| odor: leathery smoky animal phenolic old wood burnt resinous |
| flavor: leathery animal resinous smoky old wood phenolic burnt |
FR | | castoreum absolute replacer |
| odor: leathery smoky animal phenolic old wood burnt resinous |
FR | | castoreum fragrance |
FR | | coffee fragrance |
FL/FR | | dipropyl disulfide |
| odor: Sulfureous, alliaceous, fresh, green onion, scallion and metallic with a slight tropical nuance |
| flavor: Alliaceous, sulfureous, green, vegetative and asafetida nuances |
FL/FR | | filbert pyrazine |
| odor: Nutty, peanut, musty, corn-like with raw earthy and bready nuances |
| flavor: Nutty peanut, musty corn-like with raw and oily nuances |
FL | | garlic oleoresin |
| odor: Roasted, onion, garlic, with sulfury savory HVP-like nuances |
| flavor: Burnt, roasted, sauteed, onion and garlic |
FL/FR | ortho- | methyl acetophenone |
| odor: sweet hawthorn powdery anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty honey |
| flavor: sweet anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty nut flesh almond powdery |
FL/FR | 2-iso | propyl phenol |
| odor: solvent like, phenolic, smoky with toasted woody and burnt rubber nuances |
| flavor: solvent like, shoe polish, woody smoky, aged scotch and whiskey like with tar and burnt rubber nuances |
FL | | quassia amara bark extract |
| odor: woody phenolic animal bitter chemical burnt medicinal balsamic |
| flavor: bitter astringent medicinal fruity herbal green earthy |
FL/FR | | vinyl sulfurol |
| odor: Diffusive, musty, nutty, root vegetable-like |
| flavor: Nutty, musty, earthy, cocoa powder like |
FL/FR | | whiskey lactone |
| odor: tonka coumarin coconut toasted nutty celery burnt |
| flavor: Woody, coumarinic, coconut, Iactonic, creamy and nutty with a toasted nuance |
Septenary (Seventh) - burnt |
FL | | hexyl mercaptan |
| odor: Intense roasted meaty, sulfurous and slightly alliaceous with roasted meaty and nutty nuance |
| flavor: Roasted burnt meat with a fatty, rubbery and sulfurous vegetative nuance |
FL/FR | 2- | pentadecanone |
| odor: fresh jasmin celery |
| flavor: fatty spicy floral |
Octonary (Eighth) - burnt |
FL | | furfuryl thiopropionate |
| odor: Sulfureous, coffee-like, onion and garlic, with a sauteed savory nuance |
| flavor: Sulfureous, coffee, onion and garlic-like with meaty savory roast nuances |
FL/FR | 5- | methyl quinoxaline |
| odor: Nut shell, musty, roasted and pyrazine-like with coffee, hazelnut and potato nuances |
| flavor: Nutty, roasted, peanut and pyrazine-like with a yeasty corn chip nuance |
FL/FR | | phenyl acetate |
| odor: phenolic medicinal animal resinous castoreum woody smoky burnt |
| flavor: phenolic animal resinous castoreum smoky burnt fecal |
FL/FR | 2,3,5,6- | tetramethyl pyrazine |
| odor: nutty musty chocolate coffee cocoa brown lard burnt |
| flavor: nutty musty weedy earthy cocoa peanut coffee asparagus |