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Flavor Descriptors for roasted
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - roasted
FL/FR2-acetyl pyrazine
 odor: popcorn nutty corn chip bread crust chocolate hazelnut coffee
 flavor: Roasted, nutty, bready and yeasty, with popcorn and corn chip nuances
FL/FR coffee absolute
 odor: coffee
 flavor: coffee
FL/FRroasted arabica coffee bean oil CO2 extract
 odor: coffee burnt beany
 flavor: roasted espresso coffee burnt
FL coffee enhancers
 flavor: roasted coffee strong beany
FLhydrolyzed corn protein
 flavor: roasted poultry
 flavor: roasted, natural coffee
FL ethyl 3-(furfuryl thio) propionate
 odor: Onion, garlic, sulfuraceous, coffee and vegetable notes
 flavor: Roasted, nutty, coffee, with graham cracker-like undernotes
FL2-ethyl-6-methyl pyrazine
 odor: roasted potato
 flavor: roasted hazelnut
2-formyl pyrazine
 flavor: roasted
FL/FR furfuryl thioacetate
 odor: SuIfureous, roasted, savory, alliaceous, vegetative and coffee-like
 flavor: Roasted, alliaceous, garlic, coffee, meaty, savory and sulfureous
FLroasted garlic flavor
FL gluconyl ethanolamine phosphate
 flavor: roasted
FL hexyl mercaptan
 odor: Intense roasted meaty, sulfurous and slightly alliaceous with roasted meaty and nutty nuance
 flavor: Roasted burnt meat with a fatty, rubbery and sulfurous vegetative nuance
FL lactoyl ethanolamine phosphate
 flavor: cooked brown roasted
 flavor: roasted green earthy
 odor: sulfurous onion roasted gassy meaty
 flavor: Roasted meat, sulfurous and alliaceous with nuances of cabbage, coffee and pot roast with fatty drippings
FL2-mercaptomethyl pyrazine
 odor: roasted in sugar syrup meaty
 flavor: roasted meat-like
2-(methoxymethyl)-6-methyl pyridine
 flavor: roasted, hazelnut-like
FL2-methyl-3-tetrahydrofuran thiol
 odor: Roasted, crusted beef and chicken, meaty, pot roast, sulfurous and mildly alliaceous
 flavor: Roast beef, meaty, with brothy savory chicken and turkey notes it has a slight fatty alliaceous onion and garlic nuances
(E)-2-(1-pentenyl) furan
 flavor: roasted
2-pyridyl carbinol
 flavor: roasted moldy
 flavor: roasted, astringent, earthy
(pyridyl-2)-thiol acetate
 flavor: enhances the roast note
FL roasted flavor
FL sesame distillates
 flavor: roasted nutty toasted
 flavor: roasted
FL/FR trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract
 odor: celery spicy coumarinic balsamic sweet lovage opoponax
 flavor: Roasted, bready and grainy with savory, vegetative and whiskey nuances
FL/FR trigonella foenum-graecum seed oil CO2 extract
 odor: Sweet, roasted, grainy, bready, brown, nutty, cocoa, coffee and caramellic nuances
 flavor: Roasted, nutty, grainy, bread, brown and meaty nuances
Secondary (Second) - roasted
FL acer spicatum bark extract
 odor: sweet tobacco maple burnt
 flavor: brown roasted maple woody bitter caramellic fruity herbal
 flavor: earthy, roasted, sweet aromatic
FL/FR2-acetyl-3,5-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: nutty roasted hazelnut
 flavor: nutty roasted hazelnut
FL/FR2-acetyl furan
 odor: sweet balsam almond cocoa caramel coffee
 flavor: Sweet, nutty and roasted with a sweet, baked-goods body
FL/FR3-acetyl pyridine
 odor: sweet nutty dry hawthorn phenolic woody popcorn
 flavor: nutty roasted corn chip nut skin corn popcorn
FL arachis hypogaea fruit extract
 odor: Peanut, creamy, oily with a fatty roasted nutty depth
 flavor: Peanut, oily, light roasted nutty and fatty nuance
FL bacon dithiazine
 odor: meaty smoked bacon
 flavor: burnt roasted crispy bacon
FLroasted basil flavor
 benzyl sulfide
 flavor: bitter roasted
 odor: cooked roasted
 flavor: sweet nutty
FLroasted chestnut almond flavor
FLroasted chestnut flavor
FLroast chicken flavor
FL chocolate enhancers
 flavor: chocolate
FL/FR coffea arabica seed extract
 odor: coffee mocha
 flavor: coffee
FL/FRroasted arabica coffee bean oil
 odor: dark roast brewed coffee
 flavor: Beany roasted coffee with an astringent brown bitter afternote
 odor: roasted, roasted nut, crisp bacon-like and pork rind-like
 flavor: roasted, roasted nut, crisp bacon-like and pork rind-like
FL/FR3-ethyl pyridine
 odor: tobacco oakmoss leather
 flavor: caramellic roasted hazelnut
2-ethyl quinoxaline
 flavor: green roasted
FLroasted fenugreek flavor
FL/FR filbert heptenone
 odor: raw nut skin myrcene ketonic sweet hazelnut filbert
 flavor: Nutty, roasted, coffee, cocoa, brown with an earthy brown and meaty nuance
FL/FR furfuryl mercaptan
 odor: Roasted coffee, sulfurous, with a burnt match note. It is savory meaty with chicken and fried onion nuances.
 flavor: Sulfurous roasted coffee, burnt match-like, rubbery, and slightly nutty with eggy and savory meaty nuances.
FL garlic oleoresin
 odor: Roasted, onion, garlic, with sulfury savory HVP-like nuances
 flavor: Burnt, roasted, sauteed, onion and garlic
FL hazelnut flavor
FL hazelnut paste
 flavor: hazelnut
FL hordeum vulgare extract (cereal grass)
 odor: grain caramel molasses
 flavor: malty roasted
2-(2-hydroxyethyl) pyridine
 flavor: green, roasted
FL juglans nigra shell extract
 flavor: brown roasted bitter earthy
FL lactoyl ethanolamine
 flavor: cooked roasted
FLroasted malt flavor
FLroasted meat flavor
 odor: sulfurous alliaceous smoky savory vegetable
 flavor: cooked roasted onion
 flavor: bitter, roasted
FL methyl isopentyl disulfide
 flavor: sulfurous roasted
FL2-methyl quinoxaline
 odor: toasted coffee nutty fruity
 flavor: phenolic burnt coffee nutty
FL/FR5-methyl quinoxaline
 odor: Nut shell, musty, roasted and pyrazine-like with coffee, hazelnut and potato nuances
 flavor: Nutty, roasted, peanut and pyrazine-like with a yeasty corn chip nuance
FL2-methyl thiophene
 odor: sulfurous alliaceous onion roasted green
 flavor: sulfurous roasted green cabbage onion bitter
FLroasted nut flavor
FL nutty thiazole
 odor: Musty, nutty and earthy with a coffee and meaty nuance
 flavor: Nutty, roasted, meaty and savory with woody and coffee nuances
FLroasted onion flavor
FLroasted peanut flavor
FLgreen pepper extract
 odor: roasted green pepper
 flavor: pepper bell pepper
FLroasted bell pepper flavor
FLroasted pork flavor
 odor: meaty nutty cooked roasted
 flavor: popcorn roasted bread baked bread crust
isopropyl 2-furoate
 flavor: earthy roasted
FL propyl 2-methyl-3-furyl disulfide
 flavor: sweet roasted meat meaty roast beef roasted meat coffee liver bloody metallic
FL2-pyridinyl methane thiol
 odor: Roastad, meaty, beef, savory, sufureous, pork, clean and pot roast
 flavor: Meaty, roasted, savory, fatty, beef and popcorn
2-(pyridyl-2)-ethanethiol acetate
 flavor: astringent, roasted
FL roasted butanol
 odor: Roasted, meaty and sulfureous with a fatty, brothy nuance
 flavor: Sulfureous, roasted and meaty with a burnt, savory note
FLroasted sesame flavor
FLroasted shallot flavor
FL/FR sulfurol
 odor: fatty cooked beef juice
 flavor: Meaty, brothy, roasted, metallic and nutty
FLroasted tomato flavor
FLroast turkey flavor
FLroasted vegetable flavor
 odor: weak smoky roasted dark
 flavor: burnt roasted
Tertiary (Third) - roasted
FL2-acetyl-5-methyl pyrrole
 odor: earthy roasted
 flavor: bitter earthy roasted
FL/FR2-acetyl thiophene
 odor: sulfurous nutty hazelnut walnut
 flavor: onion, malty, roasted
FLroasted almond flavor
FL cacao flavor
FLroasted chestnut cream flavor
FL chicken flavor
FLroasted coffee bean concentrate
 flavor: coffee
FL/FR coffee difuran
 odor: Sulfurous, coffee, furfuryl mercaptan, roasted, meaty, onion and cabbage, potato
 flavor: Sulfurous, coffee, roasted meaty, onion
FL coffee flavor
 flavor: fatty, bitter, roasted
FL/FR2,6-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: ethereal cocoa nutty roasted roasted meaty beefy brown coffee buttermilk
 flavor: meaty nutty roasted cocoa brothy bready coffee musty
FL gluconyl ethanolamine
 flavor: cooked brown roasted
FL grilled flavor
 flavor: green fatty roasted
FL3-mercaptohexyl butyrate
 odor: sulfurous passion fruit fruity tropical overripe fruit
 flavor: tropical fruity roasted savory
FL3-mercapto-2-methyl pentanal
 odor: sulfurous, , savory grilled or roasted beef and cooked chicken like, alliaceous, garlic with tropical fruit and cultured dairy nuances
 flavor: Sulfureous, alliaceous, roasted savory with cooked onion and sauteed garlic notes and tropical fruit nuances of mango and passionfruit
 odor: gassy, tropical, grapefruit, muscat grape, grapes on the vine
 flavor: mushroom, meaty, roasted, nutty, toasted, and hazelnut
 flavor: bitter, earthy, roasted
2-methyl-3-ethyl quinoxaline
 flavor: hazelnut bitter roasted
FLbis(2-methyl-3-furyl) disulfide
 odor: Sulfurous, strong roasted meaty with a note reminiscent of sulfurol, savory, au jus and chicken nuances
 flavor: Strong meaty, sulfurous, brothy with a hint of thiamin, roasted savory, with nuances of cooked onion, sauteed garlic and black pepper
FL/FR2-methyl pyrazine
 odor: Nutty, brown, nut skin, musty, pyrazine and earthy with a slight roasted nuance
 flavor: Nutty, brown, roasted, musty and astringent
FL methyl thioacetate
 odor: sulfurous eggy cheese dairy vegetable cabbage
 flavor: sulfurous overripe rotten roasted
2-methyl-6-vinyl pyridine
 flavor: bitter earthy roasted
FL/FR nutty pyrazine
 odor: Sweet, nutty, roasted, toasted, grainy, coffee and corn with savory, meaty nuances
 flavor: Musty, nutty, roasted and grainy with coffee notes
1-propanoyl pyrrole
 flavor: astringent, peanut, roasted
FL2-thienyl disulfide
 odor: rubbery earthy mushroom
 flavor: earthy meaty
Quaternary (Fourth) - roasted
FL cocoa flavor
FL3,5(6)-cocoa pyrazine
 odor: nutty nut skin hazelnut peanut chocolate roasted
 flavor: Peanut, nut skin, brown, roasted, hazelnut, with coffee and chocolate nuances
FL coffee enhancers
 flavor: roasted coffee strong beany
FL2,5-dimethyl furan
 odor: chemical ethereal meaty gravy roast beef bacon
 flavor: chemical meaty gravy
FL ham enhancers
 flavor: ham
FL ham flavor
FL/FR methoxymethyl pyrazine
 odor: nutty fresh roasted peanut nut skin green hazelnut
 flavor: nutty nut skin hazelnut roasted earthy almond peanut
Quinary (Fifth) - roasted
FL1,3-butane dithiol
 odor: Garlic, meaty sulfurous, roasted garlic and onion, spicy, with nutty nuances
 flavor: Garlic, mushroom, bloody metallic, roasted burnt rubber nuances, HVP and meaty, garlic
FL chocolate distillates
 flavor: chocolate
FL chocolate flavor
FL mango furanone
 odor: fruity ester caramel
 flavor: bready buttery caramellic meaty roasted sugar burnt sweet
FL/FR3-mercaptohexyl acetate
 odor: floral fruity pear tropical passion fruit blackberry raspberry black currant bud
 flavor: sulfurous tropical fruit passion fruit black currant bud roasted meaty onion durian
 odor: Intense sulfurous, alliaceous and catty. It has nutty hazelnut note with savory roasted meaty nuances. It has faint nuances of tropical fruits and grapefruit
 flavor: Intense alliaceous, sulfurous, onion with full bodied savory notes of roasted meat
FL methyl ethoxypyrazine
 odor: nutty hazelnut nut skin almond earthy brown pineapple
 flavor: nutty nut skin hazelnut earthy roasted almond roasted barley taco
FL nut flavor
FL/FR popcorn pyrimidine
 odor: corn, taco, nutty, popcorn, roasted and toasted nuances
 flavor: Corn, taco, nutty, popcorn and corn chip with roasted nuances
FL/FR2,4,5-trimethyl thiazole
 odor: musty nutty vegetable cocoa hazelnut chocolate coffee
 flavor: Nutty, cocoa and green vegetative-like with roasted earthy nuances
Senary (Sixth) - roasted
FL/FR fenugreek oleoresin
 odor: sweet maple lovage caramellic cocoa coffee roasted molasses parsley
 flavor: bitter brown maple lovage molasses roasted coffee
FL/FR fish thiol
 odor: SuIfureous, meaty, fishy, metallic and roasted chicken-like
 flavor: Sulfureous, fishy, meaty, salmon and tuna-like with a slight, roasted nuance
FLgreen pepper distillates
 odor: cooked pepper bell pepper
 flavor: green watery weedy bitter vegetable roasted
Septenary (Seventh) - roasted
FL furfuryl thiopropionate
 odor: Sulfureous, coffee-like, onion and garlic, with a sauteed savory nuance
 flavor: Sulfureous, coffee, onion and garlic-like with meaty savory roast nuances
FL3-mercapto-2-methyl pentanol
 odor: sulfurous onion
 flavor: alliaceous brothy burnt cooked meaty metallic roasted sulfurous
FL/FR methyl benzoxole
 odor: tobacco burnt phenolic meaty powdery capers
 flavor: nutty hazelnut tobacco burnt meaty brothy roasted phenolic
Octonary (Eighth) - roasted
FL pizza flavor
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