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Flavor Descriptors for brothy
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Primary (First) - brothy
FL broth flavor
FL chicken soup stock flavor
FL/FR sulfurol
 odor: fatty cooked beef juice
 flavor: Meaty, brothy, roasted, metallic and nutty
FL/FR sulfuryl acetate
 odor: meaty beef juice beef gravey
 flavor: Meaty, brothy, bready, brown, with a beefy bloody and chicken note
FL vegetable broth concentrates
 flavor: vegetable broth
FL vegetable stock flavor
Secondary (Second) - brothy
FL beef broth flavor
FL chicken bone extract
 flavor: chicken bone
FL chicken broth flavor
FL chicken extract
 flavor: chicken
FL faex extracts
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
FL meat broth concentrates
 flavor: meaty brothy
FL3-mercapto-2-methyl pentanol
 odor: sulfurous onion
 flavor: alliaceous brothy burnt cooked meaty metallic roasted sulfurous
FLbis(2-methyl-3-furyl) disulfide
 odor: Sulfurous, strong roasted meaty with a note reminiscent of sulfurol, savory, au jus and chicken nuances
 flavor: Strong meaty, sulfurous, brothy with a hint of thiamin, roasted savory, with nuances of cooked onion, sauteed garlic and black pepper
FL3-pentane thiol
 odor: sulfurous gassy durian fruity roasted savory
 flavor: meaty brothy
FL poultry broth concentrates
 flavor: meaty brothy
FD saccharomyces cerevisiae extract
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
FL soup stock flavor
FL vegetable soup flavor
Tertiary (Third) - brothy
 odor: Musty, vegetative, green, phenolic, nutty, coffee and brothy
 flavor: Musty, vegetative, brothy, nutty and coffee with a slight rubbery nuance
 flavor: umami sweet salty brothy bouillon
 odor: sulfurous
 flavor: strong onion-like, brothy
FL/FR2-mercaptopropionic acid
 odor: Sulfury, meaty savory, brown with roasted brown nuances
 flavor: Meaty, sulfurous, brothy, brown
Quaternary (Fourth) - brothy
FL methionol
 odor: SuIfureous and onion-like with a sweet, savory, soupy-cooked vegetable nuance
 flavor: Onion- and garlic-like, with a savory bouillion-like note
FL methyl 2-methyl-3-furyl disulfide
 odor: Sulfureous, meaty, vegetative and chemical-like with onion and roasted beef nuances
 flavor: SuIfureous, meaty, vegetative, brothy and savory with a metallic nuance
FL2-methyl-3-tetrahydrofuran thiol
 odor: Roasted, crusted beef and chicken, meaty, pot roast, sulfurous and mildly alliaceous
 flavor: Roast beef, meaty, with brothy savory chicken and turkey notes it has a slight fatty alliaceous onion and garlic nuances
 odor: Fatty, chicken fat, with a creamy waxy nuance
 flavor: Fatty, oily and waxy with a brothy savory chicken and beef note. Creamy with a cucumber and melon nuance
FL octyl 2-furoate
 odor: Oily, waxy, earthy, mushroom-like with a creamy tallow nuance
 flavor: Waxy, fatty, brown, brothy, mushroom-like with a green metallic nuance
Quinary (Fifth) - brothy
FL/FR2,6-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: ethereal cocoa nutty roasted roasted meaty beefy brown coffee buttermilk
 flavor: meaty nutty roasted cocoa brothy bready coffee musty
 odor: Sulfurous, initially fruity then becoming savory and chicken meaty with a slight roasted coffee nuance and a hint of fruitiness on dry out
 flavor: Sulfurous, guava tropical fruity, with a hint of brothy savory and egg
Senary (Sixth) - brothy
FL/FR methyl benzoxole
 odor: tobacco burnt phenolic meaty powdery capers
 flavor: nutty hazelnut tobacco burnt meaty brothy roasted phenolic
FL/FR sclareol
 odor: sweet balsam clary amber woody weedy
 flavor: sweet woody balsamic clary sage amber weedy brothy cascarilla
Septenary (Seventh) - brothy
 odor: waxy fresh air citrus rose rummy rue
 flavor: fresh fruity citrus rue fatty waxy woody brothy
 odor: fresh oily fatty creamy vegetable dairy green grassy
 flavor: sweet green tomato leaf oily tuna creamy vegetable brothy fishy
 odor: fresh cucumber fatty green herbal banana waxy green leaf
 flavor: sweet green citrus peel spicy cucumber oily fatty brothy
FL thialdine
 odor: sulfurous nutty hazelnut corn meaty earthy clam
 flavor: sulfurous green onion radish garlic cooked onion earthy brothy
Octonary (Eighth) - brothy
FL/FR melon acetal
 odor: green mushroom chicken coup new mown hay
 flavor: green herbal mushroom earthy alfalfa violet melon rind brothy
FL/FR methional
 odor: Vegetable oil. Creamy tomato, potato skin and French fry, yeasty, bready, limburger cheese with a savory meaty brothy nuance
 flavor: Musty tomato, potato, vegetative, mold ripened cheeses, onion, beefy brothy and egg and seafood nuances
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