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Odor Descriptors for brothy
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - brothy
FL faex extracts
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
3-mercapto-3-methyl butanal
 odor: brothy cheese
Secondary (Second) - brothy
 odor: vegetable minestrone pepper onion celery green bell pepper
 flavor: green vegetable pea parsley
FL cyclopropane carboxylic acid (2-isopropyl-5-methyl cyclohexyl) amide
 odor: mild savory brothy umami
FD saccharomyces cerevisiae extract
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
FL/FR sulfuryl acetate
 odor: meaty beef juice beef gravey
 flavor: Meaty, brothy, bready, brown, with a beefy bloody and chicken note
Tertiary (Third) - brothy
Quaternary (Fourth) - brothy
FL/FR1,2-cyclohexane dione
 odor: sweet acorn nut skin maple caramel brothy
 flavor: nutty nut skin acorn maple caramellic walnut pecan woody
 odor: sulfury meaty toasted bread broth egg tomato
 flavor: Metallic, meaty savory chicken and beef, sulfurous, egg-yolk like
FL12-methyl tridecanal
 odor: sweet, fatty, waxy, rich savory animal fatty with a citrus and cilantro like nuance
 flavor: Waxy, aldehydic citrus, candle waxy and soapy, with a savory fatty slightly rancid cilantro like note and with a hint of mango and carrot
Quinary (Fifth) - brothy
 odor: green cooked vegetable tomato cooked turnup brothy gassy
 flavor: Green, tomato, fresh with herbal vegetable nuances
FL2-methyl thiazolidine
 odor: cooked meaty bouillon soup brothy
Senary (Sixth) - brothy
FL/FR meaty dithiane
 odor: pork lamb chicken savory bouillon onion
 flavor: meaty pork
FL/FR2-mercaptopropionic acid
 odor: Sulfury, meaty savory, brown with roasted brown nuances
 flavor: Meaty, sulfurous, brothy, brown
FLbis(2-methyl-3-furyl) disulfide
 odor: Sulfurous, strong roasted meaty with a note reminiscent of sulfurol, savory, au jus and chicken nuances
 flavor: Strong meaty, sulfurous, brothy with a hint of thiamin, roasted savory, with nuances of cooked onion, sauteed garlic and black pepper
FL methyl 2-methyl-3-furyl disulfide
 odor: Sulfureous, meaty, vegetative and chemical-like with onion and roasted beef nuances
 flavor: SuIfureous, meaty, vegetative, brothy and savory with a metallic nuance
FLisopropyl mercaptan
 odor: strong ripe onion gassy meaty sulfurous
 flavor: Soft-boiled egg yolk, hydrogen sulfide, rich mouth feel, strong poultry, leek and onion-like
Septenary (Seventh) - brothy
Octonary (Eighth) - brothy
FL2-methyl 3-(methyl thio) furan
 odor: Spicy, pungent alliaceous, sulfurous drying to a meaty brothy aroma with mustard and coffee nuances
 flavor: Mild meaty, spicy, slightly solvent like with coffee, nutty and cheesy nuances
FL/FR3-propylidene phthalide
 odor: celery herbal cortex lovage maple fenugreek phenolic brothy vegetable brown
 flavor: green celery cortex lovage phenolic herbal privet vegetable
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