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Odor Descriptors for spearmint
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - spearmint
 odor: spearmint
 odor: minty spearmint
 odor: minty spearmint cooling green herbal caraway spicy
 flavor: minty green weedy herbal plastic spicy earthy mahogany
 odor: sweet spearmint herbal minty
 flavor: sweet minty spearmint carvone caraway
FL/FR carvyl acetate
 odor: green minty spearmint nasturtium herbal rummy grape pear spicy
 flavor: green minty spearmint vegetable herbal wasabi ripe fruity
FL/FR carvyl propionate
 odor: minty fruity metallic spearmint creamy mossy candy spicy
 flavor: minty green spearmint vegetable creamy bouillon spicy metallic
FL/FR mentha spicata herb extract
 odor: spearmint
 flavor: spearmint
FL/FR mentha spicata herb tincture
 odor: spearmint
 flavor: spearmint
FL/FR mentha spicata herb water
 odor: spearmint
 flavor: spearmint
FL/FR mentha spicata leaf extract
 odor: spearmint
 flavor: spearmint
FLcis+trans-para-1(7)8-menthadien-2-yl acetate
 odor: minty spearmint
 odor: peppermint cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: cooling camphoreous minty clean spicy
FL/FRlaevo-menthyl acetate
 odor: mentholic minty herbal tea fruity woody floral earthy
 flavor: cooling mentholic minty herbal old wood balsamic clove tropical floral
FL/FR menthyl acetate racemic
 odor: tea cooling minty fruity berry
FL/FR spearmint absolute
 odor: Minty, green, carvone like with sweet hay like nuances
 flavor: Minty, green carvone-like with weedy nuances
FL/FR spearmint essence
 odor: spearmint
 flavor: spearmint
FR spearmint fragrance
FL spearmint herb
 odor: spearmint
 flavor: spearmint
FL/FR spearmint oil
 odor: minty green cooling spicy
 flavor: minty green cooling leafy spicy wintergreen
FL/FR spearmint oil america
 odor: fresh spearmint carvone
 flavor: Fresh green spearmint, cooling, candy, leafy, spicy with a wintergreen afternote.
FL/FR spearmint oil china
 odor: fresh spearmint carvone
 flavor: spearmint
FL/FR spearmint oil scotch
 odor: sweet smooth spearmint carvone minty
 flavor: spearmint
FL/FR spearmint oil terpeneless
 odor: sweet spearmint
 flavor: spearmint
FR spearmint oil terpenes
 odor: minty spearmint
Secondary (Second) - spearmint
 odor: minty spearmint cooling green herbal caraway spicy
 flavor: minty green weedy herbal plastic spicy earthy mahogany
FL/FR carvone oxide
 odor: minty spearmint
FL/FR tetrahydrocarvone
 odor: minty spearmint herbal
 flavor: minty spearmint
Tertiary (Third) - spearmint
 odor: caraway solvent spearmint
 odor: sweet caraway mint spearmint spicy
 flavor: sweet minty spicy spearmint carvone peppery
FL/FR carvyl acetate
 odor: green minty spearmint nasturtium herbal rummy grape pear spicy
 flavor: green minty spearmint vegetable herbal wasabi ripe fruity
FL/FR dihydrocarveol
 odor: minty menthol spearmint herbal
 flavor: Green mint with sweet weedy spicy nuances
FL/FR dill seed oil CO2 extract indian
 odor: light fresh warm spicy caraway spearmint
 flavor: dill
FL/FR dill seed oil indian
 odor: light fresh warm spicy caraway spearmint
 flavor: dill
FL/FR limonene oxide
 odor: fresh clean citrus minty spearmint herbal
 odor: woody minty spearmint cooling green
 flavor: minty
FL/FR peppermint cyclohexanone
 odor: fresh mint peppermint woody camphor
 flavor: Cooling, peppermint and spearmint-like
Quaternary (Fourth) - spearmint
FL/FR carvyl propionate
 odor: minty fruity metallic spearmint creamy mossy candy spicy
 flavor: minty green spearmint vegetable creamy bouillon spicy metallic
FR mentha longifolia oil
 odor: minty green cooling spearmint
Quinary (Fifth) - spearmint
FL/FRdextro-limonene oxide
 odor: green citrus fruity
Senary (Sixth) - spearmint
FR chrysanthemum carbaldehyde
 odor: green chrysanthemum wet aldehydic sweat
Septenary (Seventh) - spearmint
Octonary (Eighth) - spearmint
FL/FR mint lactone
 odor: sweet, creamy, coumarinic and coconut with a powdery tobacco nuance
 flavor: Creamy, coconut, sweet, vanilla and coumarin
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