Primary (First) - tallow |
| (Z)-2- | decenal |
| odor: tallow |
Secondary (Second) - tallow |
FL | (Z)-6- | decenal |
| odor: tallow green cucumber |
FL | 2- | pentyl pyridine |
| odor: fatty tallow green pepper mushroom herbal |
Tertiary (Third) - tallow |
FL | 12- | methyl tridecanal |
| odor: sweet, fatty, waxy, rich savory animal fatty with a citrus and cilantro like nuance |
| flavor: Waxy, aldehydic citrus, candle waxy and soapy, with a savory fatty slightly rancid cilantro like note and with a hint of mango and carrot |
FL | 3,5- | undecadien-2-one |
| odor: cucumber green tallow fatty fruity fried |
Quaternary (Fourth) - tallow |
Quinary (Fifth) - tallow |
FL/FR | (Z)- | oleic acid |
| odor: faint fatty waxy lard fried |
| flavor: Fatty, vegetable oil with lard and tallow nuances of french fried potatoes |
Senary (Sixth) - tallow |
FL/FR | (Z)- | ethyl oleate |
| odor: fatty oily dairy milky waxy tallow |
| flavor: fatty tallow oily buttery waxy milky |
Septenary (Seventh) - tallow |
FL/FR | (E)-2- | nonen-1-ol |
| odor: Green, fatty, melon, with an oily tallow nuance |
| flavor: Green, fatty, melon, with a chicken fat and lard nuance |
Octonary (Eighth) - tallow |
FL | | octyl 2-furoate |
| odor: Oily, waxy, earthy, mushroom-like with a creamy tallow nuance |
| flavor: Waxy, fatty, brown, brothy, mushroom-like with a green metallic nuance |