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Flavor Descriptors for rue
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - rue
FL/FRisoamyl hexanoate
 odor: fruity banana apple pineapple green
 flavor: rue fruity banana green waxy pineapple
FL rue herb
 odor: rue
FL/FR rue oil
 odor: sharp herbal fruity orange acrid
 flavor: rue
FL/FR rue oil cuba
 odor: sharp herbal fruity orange acrid
FL/FR ruta graveolens leaf extract
 odor: rue
 flavor: rue
 odor: waxy fruity creamy fatty orris floral
 flavor: Waxy, fruity with creamy cheese like notes
Secondary (Second) - rue
FL/FR(E)-2-nonen-1-yl acetate
 odor: fruity waxy citrus rind rue carrot seed oily earthy fatty
 flavor: waxy rue oily fatty citrus rind artichoke carrot earthy
Tertiary (Third) - rue
 odor: waxy fresh air citrus rose rummy rue
 flavor: fresh fruity citrus rue fatty waxy woody brothy
FL/FR nonanol
 odor: fresh clean fatty floral rose orange dusty wet oily
 flavor: waxy citrus rue aldehydic orange oily fatty spicy
Quaternary (Fourth) - rue
 odor: waxy fresh air citrus rose rue
 flavor: waxy citrus fatty rue spicy oily tallow rancid
 odor: mild waxy clean watery cilantro rue citrus rind laundered cloth fatty
 flavor: waxy fatty citrus rind rue cilantro cucumber skin earthy metallic
Quinary (Fifth) - rue
Senary (Sixth) - rue
FL/FR cuminyl alcohol
 odor: strong cumin caraway spicy herbal leather
 flavor: spicy cumin herbal peppery fatty rue hairy
Septenary (Seventh) - rue
Octonary (Eighth) - rue
FL/FRcis-muguet shiseol
 odor: fresh clean floral magnolia hydroxycitronellal cumin grassy
 flavor: floral fresh fruity tropical magnolia mango mulberry melon rind orange rind rue
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