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Flavor Descriptors for chemical
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - chemical
FL/FR benzyl alcohol
 odor: floral rose phenolic balsamic
 flavor: chemical fruity cherry almond balsamic bitter
FL/FR2,3-dimethyl benzofuran
 odor: Chemical tar-like, phenolic, smoky, tobacco, slightly pungent with a hint of black licorice drops, leather, cade oil and smoky bacon meaty
 flavor: Chemical, burnt woody, coumarin-like, tobacco, whiskey and slightly fusel like, tarry with a lingering aftertaste
FL2,5-dimethyl furan
 odor: chemical ethereal meaty gravy roast beef bacon
 flavor: chemical meaty gravy
FL/FRmeta-dimethyl hydroquinone
 odor: acid fruity nutmeg neroli
 flavor: Chemical, medicinal, spice, cooling root beer-like
FL/FR methyl ethyl ketone
 odor: acetone-like ethereal fruity camphor
 flavor: Chemical-like and slightly fruity green
FLisopropyl thiophene
 flavor: chemical
FL/FR styralyl alcohol
 odor: fresh sweet acetophenone gardenia hyacinth
 flavor: Chemical, medicinal, with a balsamic vanilla woody nuance
3-vinyl thiophene
 flavor: chemical solvent
Secondary (Second) - chemical
CS propylene glycol dibenzoate
 odor: salmon algae metallic shellfish
 flavor: alcoholic chemical phenolic nasturtium balsamic powdery
 odor: burnt garlic
 flavor: burnt chemical
 odor: Sweet, naphthyl, phenolic, smoke, bacon and Iysol-like
 flavor: Musty, chemical, stringent and phenolic
Tertiary (Third) - chemical
FL/FRisobutyl 2-butenoate
 odor: fruity dry tropical rummy ripe green pear (caramellic is the long drydown)
 flavor: Sweet, green, chemical and alcoholic-like with licorice, tropical and fruity nuances
FL/FRisobutyl cinnamate
 odor: sweet balsam fruity like labdanum
 flavor: Balsamic, fruity and chemical-like
Quaternary (Fourth) - chemical
FL/FR butyl anthranilate
 odor: petitgrain plum sweet grape fruity wine floral berry powdery
 flavor: Grape-like with a sweet fruity berry and chemical nuance
 odor: Meaty,sulfuraceous, onion, garlic, egg, chemical, rubber, naphthyl and musty
 flavor: Meaty, onion, garlic, chemical and metallic
Quinary (Fifth) - chemical
CS quinoline
 odor: Medical, musty, tobacco with a pyridine and leather nuance
 flavor: Earthy, musty, nutty, coumarinic with a chemical nuance
Senary (Sixth) - chemical
FL/FR indole
 odor: animal floral moth ball fecal naphthelene
 flavor: Animal, fecal, naphthyl, with earthy, perfumey, phenolic and chemical nuances
FL/FR melon heptenal
 odor: fresh ozone melon fresh air sweet clean green
 flavor: Green, melon watermelon-rind, cucumber, with a waxy, chemical and floral nuance
Septenary (Seventh) - chemical
Octonary (Eighth) - chemical
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