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Flavor Descriptors for anisic
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - anisic
 odor: sweet hawthorn anisic powdery balsamic acacia
 flavor: Sweet, anisic, fruity cherry, with powdery vanilla nuances
FL/FRpara-anisyl phenyl acetate
 odor: anise honey balsam woody
 flavor: sweet anisic balsamic licorice honey powdery medicinal
FL/FRortho-methyl acetophenone
 odor: sweet hawthorn powdery anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty honey
 flavor: sweet anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty nut flesh almond powdery
FL/FR raspberry ketone methyl ether
 odor: sweet dried raspberry rose cherry fruity cassie absolute
 flavor: Floral, woody, ionone, raspberry, fruity, spice and berry
FL/FR vanilla tahitensis fruit absolute CO2 extract
 odor: vanilla floral creamy sweet
 flavor: anisic floral balsamic fatty almond spicy
Secondary (Second) - anisic
FL/FRpara-anisyl methyl ketone
 odor: sweet fruity creamy spicy green anisic balsamic licorice fennel
 flavor: sweet spicy anisic fennel licorice green grassy minty root beer
Tertiary (Third) - anisic
 odor: powdery anisic almond phenolic
 flavor: powdery musty anisic almond
FL/FRpara-anisyl butyrate
 odor: buttery anisic floral sweet tropical fruity
 flavor: musty oily anisic powdery floral creamy licorice
Quaternary (Fourth) - anisic
FL/FRpara-dimethyl hydroquinone
 odor: sweet green new mown hay fennel
 flavor: sweet green hawthorn new mown hay anisic anise fennel powdery fatty
FL/FR ethyl salicylate
 odor: sweet wintergreen mint floral spicy balsam
 flavor: Sweet, wintergreen, spicy and anisic
FL/FR guaiacyl phenyl acetate
 odor: heavy balsam phenolic spice floral woody powdery honey smoked sausage
 flavor: Sweet, phenolic, spicy anisic, with clover honey and vanilla nuances
FL/FR phthalide
 odor: sweet tonka coumarin powdery coconut phenolic lactonic
 flavor: sweet coumarin coconut creamy anisic green vegetable floral
FL/FR propenyl guaethol
 odor: sweet vanilla woody tobacco spicy phenolic powdery
 flavor: Sweet vanilla-like, with a creamy anisic note
Quinary (Fifth) - anisic
FL/FR6-methyl quinoline
 odor: leather tonka castoreum tobacco civet fecal
 flavor: sweet animal tonka naphthyl tobacco anisic phenolic
Senary (Sixth) - anisic
Septenary (Seventh) - anisic
Octonary (Eighth) - anisic
FL nutmeg flavor
FL/FR nutmeg oil
 odor: spicy woody nutmeg powdery terpene
 flavor: spicy woody terpenic aromatic peppery nut skin resinous anisic
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