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Odor Descriptors for yeasty
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - yeasty
FR cognac fragrance
FL/FR cognac oil replacer
 odor: yeasty alcoholic fusel whiskey fermentedwoody
 flavor: alcoholic fatty fusel whiskey fermented bready yeasty
FDlaevo-glutamic acid
 odor: mild yeast baked bread
 odor: Yeasty, fruity, mushroom, metallic, bready, pineapple, horseradish, earthy
 flavor: Vegetable green earthy, horseradish, anchovy, earthy, ketonic, onion, musty, tropical lift, yeasty, bready, mushroom, fermented
Secondary (Second) - yeasty
CS beer extract
 odor: beer
 flavor: beer
FL faex extracts
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
FL/FR propyl nonanoate
 odor: yeast melon
Tertiary (Third) - yeasty
FL/FR beer CO2 extract
 odor: animal fresh yeasty bitter
 flavor: beer
FL diisoamyl thiomalate
 odor: fermented coffee yeast dark rye bread
 flavor: coffee bready yeasty fermented
 odor: mild fresh ethereal fermented yeasty
FD saccharomyces cerevisiae extract
 odor: Sweet, brothy, yeasty, meaty, pork, chicken and ham with a roasted and umami note
 flavor: Cheesy, brothy, strong yeasty umami note with a bready and meaty nuance
Quaternary (Fourth) - yeasty
FL/FR amyl alcohol
 odor: Pungent, fermented, bready, yeasty, fusel, winey and solvent-like
 flavor: Intense fusel, fermented, bready and cereal with a fruity undernote
FR ethyl 3,5,5-trimethyl hexanoate
 odor: fruity green apple wine yeast floral
FL/FR sulfurol
 odor: fatty cooked beef juice
 flavor: Meaty, brothy, roasted, metallic and nutty
Quinary (Fifth) - yeasty
FL/FR propyl alcohol
 odor: Alcoholic, fermented, weak fusel and tequila like, musty and yeasty, with a slightly sweet fruity nuance of apple and pear
 flavor: Alcoholic, earthy, fermented, fusel-like, with peanut nutty nuances as well as fruity nuances of apple, pear, bubble gum
Senary (Sixth) - yeasty
FL/FRisoamyl laurate
 odor: wine waxy oily fatty peach
 flavor: Fatty, creamy, good mouthfeel and body, over-ripe fruit
FL/FRwhite cognac oil
 odor: winey fermented green grape fusel
 flavor: Alcoholic, fatty, fusel, whiskey, fermented, bready and yeasty
FL/FR methional
 odor: Vegetable oil. Creamy tomato, potato skin and French fry, yeasty, bready, limburger cheese with a savory meaty brothy nuance
 flavor: Musty tomato, potato, vegetative, mold ripened cheeses, onion, beefy brothy and egg and seafood nuances
FL/FR phenethyl butyrate
 odor: musty sweet floral yeast strawberry
 flavor: Fruity, floral, green with a tropical winey nuance
FL/FR prenol
 odor: Sweet, fruity, alcoholic with a green nuance
 flavor: Green, fruity
Septenary (Seventh) - yeasty
FL/FR cinnamyl isovalerate
 odor: sweet spice melon cherry green apple
 flavor: Fruity, winey, fermented with pear, honey blueberry nuances
 odor: Musty, ketonic, bleu and parmesan cheese-like with earthy and dairy nuances
 flavor: Dairy, waxy, cheese, woody, mushroom and yeast
Octonary (Eighth) - yeasty
FL/FR phenethyl acetate
 odor: floral rose sweet honey fruity tropical
 flavor: Sweet, honey, floral, rosy with a slight green nectar fruity body and mouth feel
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