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Odor Descriptors for soup
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - soup
Secondary (Second) - soup
Tertiary (Third) - soup
FL4-methyl-2-(methyl thiomethyl)-2-hexenal
 odor: onion meaty soup
Quaternary (Fourth) - soup
FL2-methyl thiazolidine
 odor: cooked meaty bouillon soup brothy
Quinary (Fifth) - soup
FL methionol
 odor: SuIfureous and onion-like with a sweet, savory, soupy-cooked vegetable nuance
 flavor: Onion- and garlic-like, with a savory bouillion-like note
Senary (Sixth) - soup
FL/FRsweet basil absolute
 odor: Herbal, green, leafy, sweet, spice-like with a soupy nuance
 flavor: Green, herbal, sweet, spicy, with a warm woody nuance
Septenary (Seventh) - soup
FL/FR grapefruit menthane
 odor: sulfurous minty fresh grapefruit peel tropical fir needle seedy mango soupy papaya
 flavor: sulfurous juicy green fruity tropical passion fruit mango spruce
Octonary (Eighth) - soup
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