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Odor Descriptors for heliotrope
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - heliotrope
CSpara-cresyl propionaldehyde
 odor: heliotrope lily lilac
FR heliotrope absolute
 odor: strong herbal sweet heliotrope
FR heliotrope fragrance
FR heliotrope specialty
 odor: heliotrope
FL/FR heliotropin
 odor: heliotrope flower sweet powdery coconut vanilla
 flavor: Benzaldehyde, cherry, vanilla and spicy
FR mimosa heptanal
 odor: floral heliotrope tropical mimosa berry green
Secondary (Second) - heliotrope
FL/FR heliotropin replacer
 odor: sweet balsam heliotrope cherry anisic
FL/FR heliotropyl acetone
 odor: sweet raspberry heliotrope powdery cotton candy
 flavor: Sweet, berry-like with spicy, jammy nuances
Tertiary (Third) - heliotrope
Quaternary (Fourth) - heliotrope
FL/FR allyl anthranilate
 odor: green leaf floral grape
Quinary (Fifth) - heliotrope
FL/FRpara-anisyl formate
 odor: fruity floral anisic vanilla seaweed
 flavor: Sweet, vanilla, spice, with fruity heliotropine-like nuances
FR hawthorn fragrance
FR hawthorn specialty
 odor: hawthorn
FR heliotropyl diethyl acetal
 odor: mild floral sweet spicy meadow sweet
 odor: musk animal powdery natural fruity
 flavor: Vanilla bean, powdery heliotropine, creamy and licorice
FL powdery ketone
 odor: dry sweet powdery cherry fruity heliotrope almond anisic vanilla
 flavor: Sweet, powdery, vanilla, fruity, creamy
FL/FR prenyl acetate
 odor: sweet fresh banana fruity jasmin ripe heliotrope balsam
 flavor: sweet banana fruity ripe floral green
FL/FR vanillyl acetate
 odor: Sweet, creamy, vanilla-like with a powdery heliotropine nuance
 flavor: Sweet, vanilla, creamy, powdery with a balsamic beany nuance
Senary (Sixth) - heliotrope
FL/FR heliotropyl isobutyrate
 odor: fruity berry jam plum tropical heliotrope powdery
 flavor: sweet fruity tropical boysenberry berry plum apricot bubble gum
 odor: floral peony foliage sweet mimosa heliotrope
 flavor: floral spicy magnolia mango green petal tropical melon
Septenary (Seventh) - heliotrope
FL/FR acetophenone
 odor: sweet pungent hawthorn mimosa almond acacia chemical
 flavor: Powdery, bitter almond cherry pit-like with coumarinic and fruity nuances
FL/FRpara-methyl acetophenone
 odor: hawthorn sweet mimosa coumarin cherry acetophenone
 flavor: Sweet, creamy, fruity, cherry and heliotropine-like
Octonary (Eighth) - heliotrope
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