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Odor Descriptors for chicken fat
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - chicken fat
Secondary (Second) - chicken fat
Tertiary (Third) - chicken fat
 odor: Fatty, chicken fat, with a creamy waxy nuance
 flavor: Fatty, oily and waxy with a brothy savory chicken and beef note. Creamy with a cucumber and melon nuance
Quaternary (Fourth) - chicken fat
Quinary (Fifth) - chicken fat
Senary (Sixth) - chicken fat
FL/FR2-methyl hexanoic acid
 odor: Acidic, oily, fatty, lard and chicken fat with roasted and roasted savory nuances
 flavor: Oily, creamy, dairy and fatty
Septenary (Seventh) - chicken fat
 odor: oily cucumber melon citrus pumpkin nut meat
 flavor: Fatty, chicken, aldehydic, green, fried and potato
 odor: Fatty, waxy, mushroom, coconut and earthy with a mild chicken fat nuance
 flavor: Fatty and earthy with a fatty mouthfeel and with a dairy, ketonic and cheesy nuance
Octonary (Eighth) - chicken fat
 odor: fatty melon waxy green violet leaf cucumber tropical fruit chicken fat
 flavor: fatty waxy chicken fat citrus rind greasy potato chip nut flesh cucumber
 odor: Waxy, fatty, green melon and cucumber vegetative, with chicken fat aldehydic nuance
 flavor: Strong fatty, oily, green melon and cucumber like with chicken and mutton nuances and a fatty mouth feel
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