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Flavor Descriptors for whiskey
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - whiskey
 odor: Pungent, fusel, cognac and wine, cocoa, with green fruity undernotes
 flavor: Whiskey, green, apple,with an alcoholic nuance
FL/FR whiskey absolute
FL whiskey blender flavor
FL whiskey booster flavor
FL whiskey ester
 flavor: fusel whiskey
FL whiskey extract
 odor: fusel whiskey
 flavor: whiskey
FL whiskey flavor
FLbourbon whiskey flavor
FLirish whiskey flavor
FLkentucky whiskey flavor
FLscotch whiskey flavor
FLbourbon whiskey flavor key
 flavor: whiskey
FLscotch whiskey flavor key
 flavor: whiskey
FL whiskey sour flavor
Secondary (Second) - whiskey
FL/FRisobutyl alcohol
 odor: ethereal winey cortex
 flavor: fusel whiskey
 odor: pungent ethereal spicy green tropical metallic
 flavor: Etherial, whiskey-Iike and metallic, fruity with tropical nuances
Tertiary (Third) - whiskey
Quaternary (Fourth) - whiskey
FL coffee distillates
 flavor: coffee
FL cognac flavor
FL/FRwhite cognac oil
 odor: winey fermented green grape fusel
 flavor: Alcoholic, fatty, fusel, whiskey, fermented, bready and yeasty
FL/FR cognac oil replacer
 odor: yeasty alcoholic fusel whiskey fermentedwoody
 flavor: alcoholic fatty fusel whiskey fermented bready yeasty
FL/FR2-isopropyl phenol
 odor: solvent like, phenolic, smoky with toasted woody and burnt rubber nuances
 flavor: solvent like, shoe polish, woody smoky, aged scotch and whiskey like with tar and burnt rubber nuances
FL quercus alba chips extract
 odor: Woody, alcoholic, brown, smoky, whiskey and brandy with a spicy nuance
 flavor: Alcoholic, woody, oak, smoky, whiskey and rum
Quinary (Fifth) - whiskey
FL/FR methyl acetate
 odor: Etherial and solvent-like, estry, fruity, winey, cognac and rum
 flavor: Green, etherial, fruity, fresh, rum and whiskey-like
Senary (Sixth) - whiskey
FL/FR2,3-dimethyl benzofuran
 odor: Chemical tar-like, phenolic, smoky, tobacco, slightly pungent with a hint of black licorice drops, leather, cade oil and smoky bacon meaty
 flavor: Chemical, burnt woody, coumarin-like, tobacco, whiskey and slightly fusel like, tarry with a lingering aftertaste
 odor: fusel, green, solventy alcoholic, with nuances of tropical fruits, pineapple, apple and cider and rum
 flavor: alcoholic solvent like, fusel notes of rum, egg nogg and whiskey, green fruity nuances of guava and apple
 odor: ethereal fusel alcoholic fatty greasy winey whiskey leathery cocoa
 flavor: ethereal alcoholic fatty greasy cocoa whiskey fusel leathery
FL/FR trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract
 odor: celery spicy coumarinic balsamic sweet lovage opoponax
 flavor: Roasted, bready and grainy with savory, vegetative and whiskey nuances
Septenary (Seventh) - whiskey
Octonary (Eighth) - whiskey
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