Primary (First) - fenugreek |
FL/FR | | fenugreek absolute |
| odor: sweet maple celery spicy coumarin balsam |
| flavor: Strong maples, celery, caramellic, coffee-like with lingering nutty and fatty nuances |
FL | | fenugreek distillates |
| flavor: fenugreek |
FL | roasted | fenugreek flavor |
FL/FR | | fenugreek oleoresin |
| odor: sweet maple lovage caramellic cocoa coffee roasted molasses parsley |
| flavor: bitter brown maple lovage molasses roasted coffee |
FL/FR | | fenugreek resinoid |
| odor: roasted lovage maple cocoa coffee |
| flavor: fenugreek |
FD | | fenugreek seed |
| odor: fenugreek |
| flavor: fenugreek |
FL/FR | | fenugreek seed oil |
| odor: fenugreek |
| flavor: fenugreek |
FL/FR | | trigonella foenum-graecum essence |
| odor: fenugreek |
| flavor: fenugreek |
FL/FR | | trigonella foenum-graecum extract |
| odor: fenugreek |
| flavor: fenugreek |
FL/FR | | trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract |
| odor: celery spicy coumarinic balsamic sweet lovage opoponax |
| flavor: Roasted, bready and grainy with savory, vegetative and whiskey nuances |
FL/FR | | trigonella foenum-graecum seed oil CO2 extract |
| odor: Sweet, roasted, grainy, bready, brown, nutty, cocoa, coffee and caramellic nuances |
| flavor: Roasted, nutty, grainy, bread, brown and meaty nuances |
FL/FR | | trigonella foenum-graecum tincture |
| odor: fenugreek |
| flavor: fenugreek |
Secondary (Second) - fenugreek |
Tertiary (Third) - fenugreek |
FL/FR | | caramel pentadione |
| odor: sweet maple caramel sugar fenugreek licorice |
| flavor: sweet maple fenugreek burnt caramellic burnt sugar resinous phenolic |
FL | | levisticum officinale oleoresin |
| odor: sweet spicy warm celery angelica tonka |
| flavor: spicy celery fenugreek maple toasted caramellic |
Quaternary (Fourth) - fenugreek |
Quinary (Fifth) - fenugreek |
FL/FR | | maple furanone |
| odor: sweet fruity caramellic maple fenugreek brown sugar nutty chicory praline butterscotch |
| flavor: sweet fruity brown sugar maple fenugreek nutty caramellic chicory |
Senary (Sixth) - fenugreek |
FL/FR | | toffee furanone |
| odor: sweet cotton candy sugar caramel bready |
| flavor: sweet caramellic cotton candy maple burnt sugar roasted coffee |
Septenary (Seventh) - fenugreek |
FL/FR | (E,E/E,Z)- | tobacco cyclohexenone |
| odor: sweet acorn nut skin tobacco spicy |
| flavor: sweet nutty nut skin herbal burnt tobacco spicy fenugreek woody |
Octonary (Eighth) - fenugreek |