EU/US Properties Organoleptics Cosmetics Suppliers Safety Safety in use Safety references References Other Blenders Uses Occurrence Synonyms Articles Notes

cookie dough flavor

Supplier Sponsors

Category:flavored products of all types
US / EU / FDA / JECFA / FEMA / FLAVIS / Scholar / Patent Information:
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Physical Properties:
Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
Organoleptic Properties:
Flavor Type: bready
Taste Description: cookie dough
Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Cosmetic Information:
None found
Abelei Flavors
Cookie Dough Flavor
for Sweet - Brown
Beck Flavors
Cookie Dough Flavor
for sweets
E.A. Weber Flavors
Cookie Dough Flavor
F&F Projects
Flavour & Fragrance Consultancy
Analytical and Development Services to the Flavour and Fragrance Industry.
Flavor Producers
Cookie Dough Flavor
cookie dough flavor
Mission flavors & fragrances
Cookie Dough Flavor
Virginia Dare
Cookie Dough Flavor
Safety Information:
Hazards identification
Classification of the substance or mixture
GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
None found.
GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements
Hazard statement(s)
None found.
Precautionary statement(s)
None found.
Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
Not determined
Dermal Toxicity:
Not determined
Inhalation Toxicity:
Not determined
Safety in Use Information:
flavored products of all types
Recommendation for cookie dough flavor usage levels up to:
 not for fragrance use.
Safety References:
None found
None found
Other Information:
Export Tariff Code:3302.10.0000
Potential Blenders and core components note
None Found
Potential Uses:
FLcookie dough
Occurrence (nature, food, other):note
 can be natural
 cookie dough flavor


PubMed:The texture, sensory properties and stability of cookies prepared with wax oleogels.
PubMed:Cookie- versus cracker-baking--what's the difference? Flour functionality requirements explored by SRC and alveography.
PubMed:Inulin and erythritol as sucrose replacers in short-dough cookies: sensory, fracture, and acoustic properties.
PubMed:Physical and sensory characteristics of cookies prepared with flaxseed flour.
PubMed:Sugar-snap cookie dough setting: the impact of sucrose on gluten functionality.
PubMed:Physical properties and consumer liking of cookies prepared by replacing sucrose with tagatose.
PubMed:Characterization of Chilean hazel nut sweet cookies.
Most flavors are available as water soluable, oil soluable, emulsion, liquid or powder form in a variety of concentrations.
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