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Odor Descriptors for pimenta
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - pimenta
FL/FR allspice berry absolute
 odor: Sweet, warm, spicy, woody with clove eugenol nuances
 flavor: Sweet, spicy, aromatic, warm with eugenol and cinnamon notes
FL/FR allspice berry oil
 odor: sweet spicy clove phenolic woody nutmeg powdery
 flavor: Spicy, sweet, clove and woody with a slightly warm phenolic nuance
FL/FR allspice berry oil CO2 extract
 odor: spicy
 flavor: allspice
FL/FR allspice berry oil terpeneless
 odor: sweet clove spicy nutmeg
 flavor: allspice
FR allspice fragrance
FL/FR allspice leaf oil
 odor: sweet spicy clove woody phenolic dirty fatty cinnamon aldehydic
 flavor: Spicy, woody, clove and eugenol with a dirty, phenolic, weedy nuance
FL/FR allspice oleoresin
 odor: sweet fresh spicy clove bay fatty aldehydic nutmeg woody
 flavor: spicy clove cinnamon nutmeg bay phenolic woody
FL/FR pimento berry essence
 odor: spicy pimenta
 flavor: spicy pimenta
FR pimento oil replacer
 odor: pimenta
Secondary (Second) - pimenta
Tertiary (Third) - pimenta
Quaternary (Fourth) - pimenta
Quinary (Fifth) - pimenta
Senary (Sixth) - pimenta
Septenary (Seventh) - pimenta
FL/FR buchu leaf absolute
 odor: green herbal minty sulfurous catty black currant buds pimenta mango
 flavor: green minty eucalyptus sulfurous black currant bud herbal tropical mango
Octonary (Eighth) - pimenta
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