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Odor Descriptors for catty
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - catty
Secondary (Second) - catty
FL buchu oil fractions
 odor: sulfury catty tropical
 flavor: buchu
FL/FRblack currant bud concrete
 odor: sweet floral catty fruity
 flavor: black currant bud
FL/FR buchu mercaptan acetate
 odor: black currant catty fruity herbal
 flavor: fruity herbal tropical
FL3-mercapto-3-methyl butyl formate
 odor: sulfurous catty caramelised onion; roast coffee, roast meat, with a tropical nuance on dilution
FL/FR4-methoxy-2-methyl butane thiol
 odor: Sweet, sulfurous, skunk-like and catty, with a minty tropical thiomenthone like mango, peach, black currant and grapefruit nuances
 flavor: Strong sulfurous, catty, tropical fruity notes reminiscent of mango, peach and spearmint. It has minor nuances of beef and chicken
Tertiary (Third) - catty
FL/FR4-methyl 4-mercaptopentan-2-one 1% solution
 odor: sulfurous meaty catty black currant
Quaternary (Fourth) - catty
Quinary (Fifth) - catty
FL/FR buchu leaf absolute
 odor: green herbal minty sulfurous catty black currant buds pimenta mango
 flavor: green minty eucalyptus sulfurous black currant bud herbal tropical mango
Senary (Sixth) - catty
Septenary (Seventh) - catty
FL/FR agathosma crenulata leaf oil
 odor: minty green phenolic sulfurous camphoreous black currant bud catty tropical mango peach skin
 flavor: green minty camphoreous sulfurous phenolic black currant bud mango tropical peach
FL passion fruit distillates
 odor: sweet tropical fruity pulpy ripe juicy fleshy catty sulfurous
 flavor: passion fruit tropical fruity juicy ripe sulfurous
Octonary (Eighth) - catty
FL/FR thiogeraniol
 odor: green sulfurous fruity berry rhubarb citrus minty catty
 flavor: green fruity berry citrus waxy floral tropical
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