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Odor Descriptors for algae
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - algae
FL/FRgreen algae absolute
 odor: fresh marine green sandy oily painty oakmoss
 odor: algae
FR seaweed absolute replacer
 odor: fresh marine green sandy oily painty oakmoss
Secondary (Second) - algae
FL/FRgrosso lavandin oil
 odor: fresh algae lavender herbal
 flavor: lavandin
CS propylene glycol dibenzoate
 odor: salmon algae metallic shellfish
 flavor: alcoholic chemical phenolic nasturtium balsamic powdery
Tertiary (Third) - algae
FL/FR curry leaf absolute
 odor: fresh leafy green pepper algae spicy artichoke avocado violet leaf
 flavor: fresh green leafy algae tea tropical dried fruit spicy magnolia
Quaternary (Fourth) - algae
FR algae fragrance
 odor: ocean green seaweed algae marine seashore
FR orange nitrile
 odor: orange green sea algae watery clean cloths oily
Quinary (Fifth) - algae
FL/FR acetaldehyde dibutyl acetal
 odor: floral rose green chloroform
Senary (Sixth) - algae
Septenary (Seventh) - algae
FL/FR matricaria chamomilla flower oil
 odor: herbal sweet medicinal phenolic fruity green tea algae
 flavor: herbal green weedy oily cognac medicinal woody
Octonary (Eighth) - algae
FR lavandin fragrance
FL/FRabrialis lavandin oil
 odor: herbal spicy camphoreous soapy floral balsamic woody algae
 flavor: herbal spicy aromatic camphoreous soapy balsamic woody amber
FR lavandin oil replacer
 odor: lavandin
FR lavandin specialty
 odor: lavandin
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