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Flavor Descriptors for tonka
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - tonka
FL/FR phthalide
 odor: sweet tonka coumarin powdery coconut phenolic lactonic
 flavor: sweet coumarin coconut creamy anisic green vegetable floral
FR tonka ketone
 odor: sweet coumarinic floral orangeflower tropical neroli lactonic honeysuckle honey
 flavor: nutty, bitter almond
 odor: herbal sweet warm tobacco cocoa woody
 flavor: sweet tonka coumarinic tobacco cocoa dark chocolate coconut
Secondary (Second) - tonka
FL/FR2-benzofuran carboxaldehyde
 odor: bitter almond
 flavor: nutty bitter almond tonka
FL coumarin flavor
FL/FR6-methyl quinoline
 odor: leather tonka castoreum tobacco civet fecal
 flavor: sweet animal tonka naphthyl tobacco anisic phenolic
FR narcissus flower absolute
 odor: green cortex sweet jasmin hay tonka castoreum
 flavor: green tonka mossy honey hay floral
Tertiary (Third) - tonka
Quaternary (Fourth) - tonka
FL clover herb distillate (melilotus officinalis)
 flavor: clover
Quinary (Fifth) - tonka
 odor: coconut oily green earthy
 flavor: lactonic coconut creamy coumarinic tonka herbal earthy oily
FL6-methyl coumarin
 odor: coconut creamy powdery coumarinic tonka cinnamyl vanilla floral earthy
 flavor: coconut vanilla creamy coumarinic tonka cake
Senary (Sixth) - tonka
Septenary (Seventh) - tonka
Octonary (Eighth) - tonka
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