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Flavor Descriptors for naphthyl
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - naphthyl
FL/FR2,4-dimethyl benzaldehyde
 odor: naphthyl cherry almond spice vanilla
 flavor: Naphthyl, cherry, almond, spice and vanilla
 odor: phenolic sweet hawthorn tobacco honey herbal
 flavor: Naphthyl, cinnamon, cherry pit, coumarin, phenolic, tobacco and honey
FL/FRpara-methyl anisole
 odor: naphthyl cresol ylang powdery nutty
 flavor: Naphthyl, phenolic, camphoraceous, cooling and woody
FL/FR1-methyl naphthalene
 odor: Naphthyl-like with a chemical medicinal and camphor-like nuance
 flavor: Naphthyl-like with a medicinal nuance
FL/FRbeta-naphthyl methyl ether
 odor: sweet naphthyl floral orange blossom acacia neroli
 flavor: naphthyl floral orangeflower acacia grape plum powdery
Secondary (Second) - naphthyl
Tertiary (Third) - naphthyl
FL/FR indole
 odor: animal floral moth ball fecal naphthelene
 flavor: Animal, fecal, naphthyl, with earthy, perfumey, phenolic and chemical nuances
FL/FR6-methyl quinoline
 odor: leather tonka castoreum tobacco civet fecal
 flavor: sweet animal tonka naphthyl tobacco anisic phenolic
FL/FR nerolin fragarol
 odor: sweet naphthyl strawberry fruity orange blossom
 flavor: sweet fruity strawberry naphthyl grape orangeflower
Quaternary (Fourth) - naphthyl
FL/FR jasmin absolute egypt (from concrete)
 odor: deep sweet jasmin jam herbal fruity waxy tropical
 flavor: jasmin floral fruity tropical naphthyl oily green spicy herbal
FL jasmin flavor
Quinary (Fifth) - naphthyl
4-(azetidine-1-carbonyl)-1-(2-isopropyl-5-methyl cyclohexyl) pyrrolidin-2-one
 flavor: mild cooling, earthy, off-flavor, not bitter, napthalene, herbaceous, slight tingle effect on the tip of tongue, and garden hose, carrot, astringent, and waxy effect
Senary (Sixth) - naphthyl
FL/FRbeta-naphthyl anthranilate
 odor: sweet concord grape anthranilate-like with a slight candy syrupy fruity berry aftertaste and slight floral and winey nuances
 flavor: anthranilate concord grape, with slight naphthyl nuances and deep candy cherry, berry and winey nuances
Septenary (Seventh) - naphthyl
FL/FRbeta-naphthyl methyl ketone
 odor: sweet neroli orange blossom neroli powdery
 flavor: sweet floral orangeflower orange neroli honey naphthyl citrus
Octonary (Eighth) - naphthyl
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