Articles: PubMed:[Chemical Constituents from Usnea longgisima, a Traditional Mongolian Medicine(II)]. PubMed:Usnic Acid Derivatives with Cytotoxic and Antifungal Activities from the Lichen Usnea longissima. PubMed:From GenBank to GBIF: Phylogeny-Based Predictive Niche Modeling Tests Accuracy of Taxonomic Identifications in Large Occurrence Data Repositories. PubMed:Optimisation and establishment of separation conditions of organic acids from Usnea longissima Ach. by pH-zone-refining counter-current chromatography: Discussion of the eluotropic sequence. PubMed:Application of molecular markers to detect DNA damage caused by environmental pollutants in lichen species. PubMed:Quercetin sensitizes fluconazole-resistant candida albicans to induce apoptotic cell death by modulating quorum sensing. PubMed:[Isolation and charcterizaiton of a polyketide synthase gene cluster from Usnea longissima]. PubMed:Three New Non-reducing Polyketide Synthase Genes from the Lichen-Forming Fungus Usnea longissima. PubMed:The synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial and antimutagenic activities of hydroxyphenylimino ligands and their metal complexes of usnic acid isolated from Usnea longissima. PubMed:Isolation and identification of a new benzofuranone derivative from Usnea longissima. PubMed:[Chemical constituents from Usnea longgisima, a traditional mongolian medicine]. PubMed:Development of thallus axes in Usnea longissima (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota), a fruticose lichen showing diffuse growth. PubMed:Diffractaic acid, a novel proapoptotic agent, induces with olive oil both apoptosis and antioxidative systems in Ti-implanted rabbits. PubMed:Isolation and characterization of a reducing polyketide synthase gene from the lichen-forming fungus Usnea longissima. PubMed:Species-specific activation time-lags can explain habitat restrictions in hydrophilic lichens. PubMed:[Studies on chemical constituents from herbs of Usnea longissima]. PubMed:[New dibenzofuran and anthraquinone from Usnea longissima]. PubMed:Size-dependent growth of two old-growth associated macrolichen species. PubMed:Melanogenesis inhibitory effects of methanolic extracts of Umbilicaria esculenta and Usnea longissima. PubMed:Forest successional stage affects the cortical secondary chemistry of three old forest lichens. PubMed:Ethnoveterinary medicines used for ruminants in British Columbia, Canada. PubMed:Identification and quantitation of usnic acid from the lichen Usnea species of Anatolia and antimicrobial activity. PubMed:The inhibition of gastric mucosal lesion, oxidative stress and neutrophil-infiltration in rats by the lichen constituent diffractaic acid. PubMed:Antiplatelet and antithrombotic activities of methanol extract of Usnea longissima. PubMed:Effects of water extract of Usnea longissima on antioxidant enzyme activity and mucosal damage caused by indomethacin in rats. PubMed:Gastroprotective and antioxidant effects of usnic acid on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats. PubMed:Bioactive phenolic compounds from a medicinal lichen, Usnea longissima. PubMed:Comparison of antioxidant activity and phenolic content of three lichen species. PubMed:[Study on the scavenging action of polysaccharide of Usnea longissima to oxygen radical and its anti-lipi peroxidation effects]. PubMed:Screening of tissue cultures and thalli of lichens and some of their active constituents for inhibition of tumor promoter-induced Epstein-Barr virus activation. PubMed:[Morphology and histology of Usnea Longissima Ach].