Articles: PubMed:Examination of the structures of several glycerolipids from marine macroalgae by NMR and GC-MS. PubMed:[Biological activity of lipids and photosynthetic pigments of Sargassum pallidum C. Agardh]. PubMed:Pharmacokinetic properties of arsenic species after oral administration of Sargassum pallidum extract in rats using an HPLC-HG-AFS method. PubMed:Effect of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, and As) on the ultrastructure of Sargassum pallidum in Daya Bay, China. PubMed:Structural elucidation of polysaccharide fractions from brown seaweed Sargassum pallidum. PubMed:Adjuvant activity of Sargassum pallidum polysaccharides against combined Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and avian influenza inactivated vaccines. PubMed:Evaluation of antioxidant and immunity-enhancing activities of Sargassum pallidum aqueous extract in gastric cancer rats. PubMed:[Particularities of corrective action of polar lipids and bioantioxidants from sea hydrobionts at imbalances of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism]. PubMed:The influence of monogalactosyldiacylglycerols from different marine macrophytes on immunogenicity and conformation of protein antigen of tubular immunostimulating complex. PubMed:Comparative study of polysaccharides from reproductive and sterile tissues of five brown seaweeds. PubMed:[Medical and prophylactic properties lipids and antioxidants derived from sea hydrobionts]. PubMed:Pyrolytic characteristics and kinetics of two brown algae and sodium alginate. PubMed:Purification, antitumor and antioxidant activities in vitro of polysaccharides from the brown seaweed Sargassum pallidum. PubMed:Fatty acid composition of individual polar lipid classes from marine macrophytes. PubMed:[SR-XRF analysis of characteristics of heavy element concentration in qingdao algae and application to monitoring oceanic pollution]. PubMed:[Description and histology identification of several algae of Sargassum sp].