Articles: PubMed:The influence of DOC trends on light climate and periphyton biomass in the Ganga River, Varanasi, India. PubMed:[The isolation, purification and cloning of the pSM1 plasmid from the cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum]. PubMed:Structural and biochemical analysis of the sheath of Phormidium uncinatum. PubMed:Oscillin, an extracellular, Ca2+-binding glycoprotein essential for the gliding motility of cyanobacteria. PubMed:De-regulated assimilation and over-production of amino acids in analogue-resistant mutants of a cyanobacterium, Phormidium uncinatum. PubMed:Interactive image analysis system to determine the motility and velocity of cyanobacterial filaments. PubMed:Dismutation of hydroxylamine to ammonia and nitrite by a novel, membrane-bound enzyme from the cyanobacterium Phormidium uncinatum. PubMed:Power transmission along biological membranes. PubMed:Coupling membranes as energy-transmitting cables. II. Cyanobacterial trichomes. PubMed:Signal perception and amplification in photoresponses of cyanobacteria. PubMed:Utilization of energy stored in the form of Na+ and K+ ion gradients by bacterial cells. PubMed:Lateral transport of energy along the coupling membranes of cyanobacteria. PubMed:[Analysis of the cable structure of blue-green algae]. PubMed:Electrical nature of the taxis signal in cyanobacteria. PubMed:[Propagation of electrical potential changes in filamentous cyanobacteria]. PubMed:Influence of electric fields on photophobic reactions in blue-green algae. PubMed:Further evidence for the electron pool hypothesis. The effect of KCN and DSPD on the photophobic reaction in the filamentous blue-green alga Phormidium uncinatum. PubMed:The effect of inhibitors on the electron flow triggering photo-phobic reactions in Cyanophyceae. PubMed:Participation of two photosystems in the photo-phobotaxis of Phormidium uncinatum. PubMed:[Effect of redox systems on the motility and the phototactic reactions of Phormidium uncinatum]. PubMed:[On the antagonism of atabrine and flavine nucleotides in the behavior of movement and reaction to light of Phormidium uncinatum]. PubMed:[Amino acid composition of the blue-green algae Phormidium uncinatum (AG) Gom]. PubMed:Chemical analysis of a mucopolymer component in cell walls of the blue-green alga Phormidium uncinatum. PubMed:[Cytology of Cyanophycea. II. Centroplasm and granular inclusions of Phormidium uncinatum]. PubMed:[Cytology of Cyanophycea. I. Research on the substructure of Phormidium uncinatum Gom].