Articles: PubMed:Chemical structure and anticoagulant activity of highly pyruvylated sulfated galactans from tropical green seaweeds of the order Bryopsidales. PubMed:CO₂ and inorganic nutrient enrichment affect the performance of a calcifying green alga and its noncalcifying epiphyte. PubMed:Nutrient availability affects the response of the calcifying chlorophyte Halimeda opuntia (L.) J.V. Lamouroux to low pH. PubMed:Synergistic effects of algal overgrowth and corallivory on Caribbean reef-building corals. PubMed:[Antileishmanial activity of six extracts from marine organisms]. PubMed:Bioactive anthraquinones from endophytic fungus Aspergillus versicolor isolated from red sea algae. PubMed:In vivo and in vitro antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties of polyphenols from Halimeda opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux. PubMed:Effects of coral reef benthic primary producers on dissolved organic carbon and microbial activity. PubMed:Microbial to reef scale interactions between the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis and benthic algae. PubMed:Seaweeds as a source of lead compounds for the development of new antiplasmodial drugs from South East coast of India. PubMed:[Gastropods associated with the calcareous alga Halimeda opuntia (Udoteaceae) in Puerto Rico]. PubMed:Molecular systematics, historical ecology, and phylogeography of Halimeda (Bryopsidales). PubMed:[Presence of lectins, tannins and protease inhibitors in venezuelan marine algae]. PubMed:[Antimicrobial activity of various algae of the Panamanian Atlantic coast]. PubMed:FACTORS AFFECTING THE RATE OF CALCIFICATION IN HALIMEDA OPUNTIA (L.) LAMOUROUX AND HALIMEDA DISCOIDEA DECAISNE(1). PubMed:NEW SPECIES OF HALIMEDA: A TAXONOMIC REAPPRAISAL(1) (2).